Remi is the rat chef in Ratatouille. Now, I like the food ratatouille although I prefer only a small amount or else the aubergine can get a bit too auberginey and the courgette can be too courgettey, do you know what I mean?
Anyhoo, it took me a good long while to see this film, it was released in 2007, and for some reason the trailer didn’t win me over. Big mistake! As I do really like Remi as a character and the film is an easy watch.
It is set in Paris - of course I love Paris – and is a tale about following your dreams and going against expectations if that’s where your heart leads you…or at least that was the message I got from it. I think it may have played a fair bit on the cliché frenchness but it is done well. There is a Ratatouille ride in Disneyland Paris that had just opened when we went there but we never went on, it was far too popular and hard to get on, but I did watch the movie again as a consolation.
Remi is this guy…
Now for some stuuuuuuff! I feel I should be looking for foodstuffs as thats kinda what the film is about...lets see now shall we...
Have you got a spare half hour to whip up a quick cake?
Nah! Me neither! Impressive cake though...if you need to impress someone...
How about just making ratatouille and throwing a checked table cloth on the table?
And lastly.....a quote...
Do you like the messages in Disney movies? Do you like this one?