28 Sept 2012
Its the weekend - just about!
Ok, so today I am in an excitable mood. I have the day off of work but I got up early to take part in the Write for Ten challenge that I decided to do on Wednesday. Today was my third effort. I think it is OK, for one it is great practice. You see I have decided that I am going to participate in the NaNoWriMo in November. Which does mean that I have to finish all my Christmas stitching by the end of October! Nothing like a fast looming deadlines to get you moving :)
I have picked out the designs that I want to stitch and will start one later today - I also have Monday next week off so am going to try my best to do a couple at least. I am little miss optimistic today aren't I?
Once I start I will see about posting some sneak peeks for you guys. Finishing is always a challenge but now the sewing machine has been christened I am feeling (again) optimistic.
If any of you fancy reading some of the stuff that I write - to be honest it has been very short 'Five Sentence Fiction' pieces and currently 3 'Write for Ten' pieces - the they can be found on my other site 'The Suddenly Kate Show' , the links are on the pages for each.
I have also been practising crochet! I know - call me crazy - about a year ago, I thought I would learn, I mean how hard could it be? It turns out that it was a lot harder than I thought and the instructions were unclear. So every now and then I have been picking up a hook and giving it a go - and slowly but surely I have seen an improvement. Don't get me wrong - I am far from making anything other than double crochet squares, but I am pleased that the practice is paying off. I have noticed my knitting has improved with practice immeasurably! I am pleased with that too - and I guess all these small triumphs are what has left me in a bouncy mood today. I used to hold the needles all wrong, and i looked on youtube and the instructions didn't make it any clearer - If i can help anyone in any way who is struggling with the needles then let me know, maybe I will make a video! (Highly unlikely) teheheheh!
So tell me - what are your weekend plans?
Write for Ten: Dump
This morning when I woke up I was ready to Write for Ten. I went to check the prompt to see what it was today – Dump – hmmm, I had no idea of where to start or even if I would be able to write anything. I think there is too much choice. I liked that about the setting prompt, that it had to be in a Police Station so I didn’t have to make any decisions other than to write with that in mind. With word prompts and so much variety I am finding it much harder – I am not a natural decision maker – and I am sure this is great practice for me.
So, I am sat here on my day off at 9.50am ready to get writing for 10 minutes, I am listening to my starred playlist from Spotify and the first song up is Amy Winehouse and Valerie….wish me luck…
‘its raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring’ she sang. The baby still screamed out as if she was ripping her arms out of their sockets. She began bouncing her on her knees and the crying stopped, she stopped the bouncing and the crying started again, she began bouncing the baby again. Her knees were aching but she was glad of the crying respite. Looking out of the window of the Caravan she could see the rain really was hammering down, the noise it made as it hit the roof and ricocheted off was almost deafening but she found it soothing. She looked down at the baby. The baby looked up at her. The baby’s face was damp with the tears that had just splashed down onto her cheeks, the eyelashes were all clumped together as though trying to keep warm and snot was slowly sliding from her nose to the top of her lip. The baby leaned into her mother and closed her eyes and at that moment she closed her eyes too. Just for a second.
He had promised her a life together, a home to share and raise their child in, but most importantly to her he had promised that he would always be there for her, whatever the weather. She looked at him lying asleep on the couch, his pale face and a body ravished by disease. At that moment he opened his eyes and looked at her and she looked back at him. He smiled. It didn’t matter if she lived in a dump she would be ok, but she needed him, he couldn’t leave her, how would she survive without him.
Ok, finished! My 1 year old niece is over and I think she inspired this piece with her screaming – the song now playing is War of the Worlds by Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly.
Please leave feedback if you have time, it all helps and is greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
27 Sept 2012
Write for Ten: Deck
‘Wow’ she said as she swirled around the large empty space. She simultaneously spread her fingers and toes to fill as much of the room as her small frame could, and after a large intake of breath she breathed out and a smile slowly lit up her face.
She was filled with so much joy that she didn’t believe that she would ever be able to stop swirling around. As she did so she envisioned all the changes that would be made to the room; the large coniferous tree would fill the corner where the old piano used to be, soft leather chairs would be placed by the fireplace to sink into, the fireplace would be garnished with stockings and cards and there would be nuts and chocolate on every side table.
She spun to face the doorway, flung out her arms as if to hug the space and pulled them back just as swiftly to hug herself, gave a nod and declared;
‘Yes, I will also deck the hall with boughs of holly!’
Five Sentence Fiction: Devotion
So, is it going to be possible to carry on after Awkward & Zombie?
‘Sorry about that, I had something caught in my throat, ahem, wow, that’s better’ she said as she smiled up at him somewhat innocently.
‘So…you say you’re the artist? Where did you get your inspiration for this..erm..piece?’ she said as she waved her hand nonchalantly at the painting.
He snarled at her, he actually snarled at her, his lip curled up in one corner and he had a look of disdain plastered an inch thick all over his face, she knew he thought very little of her already but she was determined to salvage something of the evening and she was devoted to at least seeing it through to the bitter end.
‘the women in my life inspire me, and the everyday situations that we find ourselves in’ he practically spat at her.
‘I’m surprised you had enough for the one painting!’ she sneered back.
26 Sept 2012
Write for Ten: Police Station [Setting]
25 Sept 2012
Fancy a quickie?
23 Sept 2012
Happy Invisible Dance!
I hope you have all been having a great weekend. It has done nothing but pour with rain here today. Its been that really wet rain, you know?!
In other news...I have a finish done :) It is my Halloween Exchange Piece that I agreed to do with Shannon over at A Bit of This and That , I am feeling pretty pleased with myself because I have enjoyed stitching it, and I am pleased with the final result. The actual finishing isn't too bad but I have to warn Shannon that I used my sewing machine - for the first time - and so the edges may be a little wavy! :) I got the sewing machine last Christmas because I HAD to have it and it has only taken me 9 months to use it! lol
Obviously I can't post any pics until she receives it which will be some time in the middle of October. But I have been stitching and am just deciding what to stitch for my Christmas Exchanges - I am pretty excited about them and will be more so when I know what I am stitching.
As usual I have lots of ideas and want to do lots of things but only one pair of hands - Eek! So I will have to prioritise.
I don't want to laden this post with loads of text (like last time) and am thus keeping it brief...I hope you have all been busy too and am going to be blog checking next!
20 Sept 2012
Five Sentence Fiction: Zombie
So I did just that..here is a link to the part that leads to this;
She stood there looking at him, part shock and part embarrassment, she knew that he was waiting for her to say something but standing there open-mouthed, head lolling and eyes unblinking, all she could muster was 'ugh, gur, erm, ig, agh...'
Come on she told herself, you can do this, just say something, anything, standing here acting like an extra from The Walking Dead is really not improving this date.
She was surprised he hadn't just turned around and walked out already. She needed to refocus on something other than his stare that was very intent on giving her eyeballs a good pummeling.
She tilted her head down and looked at his chest, and there emblazoned across it was 'Night of the Living Dead'...she just might be able to salvage this date yet!
19 Sept 2012
Better out than in!
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Look at all that potential!? |
In my last post I asked the question 'What inspires you?' and thank you to those who took the time to tell me what inspired them.
It occurred to me that I hadn't been that specific in my question, and what I should have said was what inspires you to take action? I think a lot of things give us ideas, and inspiration every day, but very few do affect us enough for us to act on it. I may be wrong.
I am always looking for inspiration, I have family and friends and hobbies that I enjoy and that I find to be inspirational, but very rarely do I act on that, I rather bask in the glory of their amazingness. My inspiration has to come from somewhere inside of me for example;
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Sisters (me on the left) |
Someone on Twitter gave me a glimpse into a funny story they had of near death by choking whilst laughing - and I thought...I am inspired to blog one of my funny stories....but that is not what has happened, no. I have been inspired to write about inspiration!
Inspiration doesn't come from anywhere else but from inside of yourself and sometimes it is easy to forget that you are someone else's inspiration and most importantly your own. It is empowering to think that but I often feel like I am letting myself down, that I am not acting enough on instinct, that I should know what my aspirations are, where I see myself in 10 years and what I want to do with my life.
It is my birthday in 2.5 weeks and every year I go through this, this self-analysis, this scavenger hunt of my soul, my mind and my motivation - clinging always to the hope that I will see my future in myself. Another year older, another year wiser but never any wiser about me. I am going to be (take a big breath) 36 years old. I can't believe it myself. I really can't. I also still feel about twenty-something. Kind people tell me I still look twenty-something but my brain tells me that isn't the case! I look at people in their late teens & early twenties and think how young they are, yet I still remember what it was like to be that age and how I felt so very mature back then. Its strange what time does to you? I think its a rather cruel trick.
Old and Wise |
But the point here, I'm pretending that there is one, is that for as long as I can remember I have never really known what I wanted to do career wise, and here I am at the end of a contract, almost another year older and still asking myself 'What do I want to do?' For me, it is absolutely infuriating. I want to bang my head against the wall and maybe scream a little but that won't help. I give great advice to others but it never seems to work on self-application. One of the comments on the previous blog suggested that I am at a point in my life when I can create the job I want - I loved that quote - but what is it I want to create, what type of job? I have spent 30 years cultivating a wall made of what if's and i don't knows and endorsed a daily ritual of telling myself it exists.
I wonder if anyone has an extra extra large sledgehammer I could borrow? Or maybe you had a similar situation? Or were at a point in your life, where it had all seemed to come to a stop and you had to plan a new route? Have you any pearls of wisdom to offer? Are you willing to give me a slap?
P.S If you are on Twitter and feeling brave then please follow me :) @Dekeboo
18 Sept 2012
Music Review: The Bloody Quills
Some of you regular readers (anyone?) may be wondering who has brought me out of my funk. The answer is a rock band based in Ireland. I would at this point tell you who is in it and such but all that is covered in the interview below. So without further ado, I introduce you to…
“you don’t need to be a musician to join the band, you just have to love music”
A Girl Called Stephen (click here to listen)
The Pursuit of Pleasure
Last Train
- You better come back
- Arbour Hill
- Music is Medicine
- Art of conversation
The name of your band is The Bloody Quills, where does that come from?
I was calling the project Soren Lorenson during recording and I was gonna go with that but then I thought Paranoid Erik might be better. Gareth said 'What about 'The Bloody Quills'? and I thought 'Bastard!'
Who or what do you think has been the biggest influence on your music?
The Spirit of Gareth , Kalille ,Jose and our mentor Terry of course. Oh and the fucking Rolling Stones.
If you had to choose one track off the album that best represents the band which would it be
and why?
Pursuit Of Pleasure represents the band closest because we are all punks looking for a fix. Plus it reminds me of Blur only more rock n roll.
What has been the best gig you have played so far and why?
Best gig was at The Aviva Stadium Dublin Ireland.It was a charity gig and the band set up the Backline and went for a swifty (drink) , only to return to find someone had forgotten the sprinkler system was on a timer. Exit Stage Left.;)
What has been your most memorable fan encounter?
When I got a tweet from Patrick Karl Quill to say he loved the music. So the first ever fan of The Bloody Quills was Patrick Karl Quill. Apt.
I am always curious as to which song bands would cover if they went on the radio show
'Live Lounge'...so, which song would you like to cover in that situation?
I would choose to cover Cat Stephens -I Love My Dog right now , tomorrow it would be The Rolling Stones -Gimme Shelter and on Tuesday it might be Fleetwood Mac -Sara.
Finally, what’s coming up for you guys for the rest of the year?
Kalille is back from his month long home visit to Mauritius so we are back rehearsing . Hoping to not have to rummage through the skip outside the studio for girlfriends gifts. Hope that we get to play the music well and the right people get it. Also giving Kate a big kiss.
So, What would you like to know?
17 Sept 2012
Five Sentence Fiction: Awkward
There was no air in the gallery and no noise either, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that it was like being in a vacuum, but as she looked over at her companions face it occurred to her that she might not get a response...it looked like he had a vacuum all of his own, nicely positioned just between his ears.
When she looked back at the painting that was absorbing all his attention, its dull muted colours, gentle brush strokes and frivolous subject matter, it occurred to her in her bright blue dress and heavily made up face that this was what people meant when they said that she was 'no oil painting'.
When he spoke she nearly jumped out of her skin, his voice was much deeper than she had imagined and he spoke with a lisp - which seemed such an odd combination - she just stared blankly at him until his eyes met hers, she kept on staring and then she noticed his forehead crumple and realised he must have asked her something.
I said...'what do you think of the painting?', 'she looked at him and he was very attractive, but she couldn't quite figure out why her friends had set her up on a date with a man who barely spoke and who considered standing in silence a perfect activity for a first date, she was hot, bored and her feet were killing her, 'its shit' she mumbled as she looked back at him.
'I'm the artist' he replied.
New beginnings & IHSW
Where to begin...well, my blogoversary has now passed and I was very happy to have had some lovely comments about my podcast and several takers for a Christmas exchange! I also agreed to a Halloween exchange and thus have spent IHSW stitching for that. I am happy with my progress as it is half done but it does mean that there are not going to be any pictures until the recipient has it :( Undoubtedly, there will then be far too many pictures of it! The Christmas exchange will keep me busy for sure but again picture less :( As a consolation I will try and find some other picture to post with my updates :)
It is my birthday next month and I have decided that I want to have a new layout/design of my blog in time for that - I haven't thought too much about it but I am not happy with it at the moment - so will have to work on that too!
I have also been slacking on my other blog..especially in relation to music reviews..I was inspired to write one recently and am just waiting for the interview answers to come back from the band along with an exclusive on their latest video!
I am also coming to the end of my contract at work so need to find another job! Its all happening for sure. I recently realised that I have been working at the same place as a temp (on various contracts and in various departments) for what will be 5 years in November! Its shocking as the job was supposed to be a stop gap whilst I found something more permanent that I wanted to do. I am no nearer to knowing what that job is but I do feel that it is time to get something permanent so that I can get some job satisfaction.
So, before I leave you...I have a question...What inspires you?
12 Sept 2012
We have a WINNER!
Hello again,
I put the numbers into the random.org generator...drum roll please.....and the winner is....
..and entrant number 12 was....
Fabulous Frogger
who I will contact shortly :) and who is also about to have a blogoversary and is having a giveaway ($50).Thank you to everyone who has made this year great for me, who has commented, supported, encouraged and visited me. Don't forget to visit my Speech!
Here's to the next year!
11 Sept 2012
Hells Bells, I'm early!
Are you following me?
Hello kind followers of random stitchy peeps who waffle and use the following too much;
- erm
- oh
- hahhahaha
- teeheehee
- lol
- rofl
- ;)
- :)
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 Sept 2012
24 hrs left! Don't miss out.
There are only 24 hours left to enter my Blogoversary Giveaway :)
Then it will be speech time! Eek!
7 Sept 2012
Five Sentence Fiction: Memories
Listen or read...
She was sick to death of people taking it upon themselves to point out that she came across as a very cold stand-offish person (how bloody dare they!), and hadn't she been through enough to warrant her behavior, didn't they reailse that she was fighting every day to maintain some semblance of stability and they could get lost if they thought that would change just because they suggested it.
She sat there in the cafe with her hands wrapped around the empty mug, clinging to the warmth as it slowly faded, the warmth that she no longer had in her life, and as she looked out the window at the passers by she gave a sigh of relief that she had survived another day.
Then, with no warning she felt her body begin to shake, her face was warm and her eyes stung and she reached up to find that tears were pouring down her face, tears that she had been fighting for what seemed like forever, tears that wouldn't come when she wanted them to but wouldn't stop now, tears that only showed her weakness and belied her strength.
The sobs followed, big gulping sobs, heart wrenching sobs full of abandonment and loneliness, sobs that too could not be held back, sobs that made the people in the cafe stare at her and start to leave, sobs that reminded her of a seals bark and made her wish that she could escape and swim away.
It seemed like forever had passed, but it couldn't have been more than a minute or so, when she finally managed to screech "TURN THAT DAMN MUSIC OFF!" and very quietly under her breath "its breaking my heart..."
Hope you like it! I apologise now if I have bastardised my sentences! Oops!
6 Sept 2012
Colour me shocked!
Well, I had recorded it using the soundcloud app and someone has since discovered it and remixed it with a beat behind it and it sounds really good - I can hardly believe its me!
I am pretty impressed and 100% bias, what do you think? Is it cheesy? Do you like it? Feeling nauseous? lol!
I must add that this person just used my vocals and poem as a dummy run - but still, it was a nice treat for me.
4 Sept 2012
Blogoversary Giveaway!
Can you believe that I have had this blog for a whole year nearly? Only 8 days till the Blogoversary!
I thought I should do something to say thanks to the lovely people who check on on me even when I am not so bloggy and not so stitchy. A big (audio) speech will be made and posted on the actual Blogoversary day.
And I have decided that I will host a giveaway :)
The prize is a $25 gift card for 123stitch.com PLUS a surprise in the post :)
I have seen these giveaways where there are rules and things, well I don't like rules much and so there aren't any! Just remember...
- If you want to follow me or my other blog (see right-hand side) then please do and Welcome!
- If you want to link back to here from a blogpost of your own so that others have the chance to win, then I don't mind its up to you.
- The only thing you will need to do is enter into this linky thing below - that way anyone visiting here can visit your blog too - its a win-win situation so why not enter?
The giveaway closes on the 11th September and the winner will be announced on the 12th September (Blogoversary day!), the winner will be selected completely at random by one of those random name selector gadget tool thingamajigs.
Good Luck!
3 Sept 2012
Floating on a note
Notes echo in my ears,
Seeping through my mind
floating in my bloodstream
encasing my beating heart.
They are gentle and crisp and clear
and my heart pulsates in time to a
melody that at once is mine.
No lyrics can speak as openly
or directly, or reach the crevices of my soul,
My eyes are moist with tears
that are inspired, filled
with joy, with fear, with love and with pain.
As the music ends, a brief reprieve
a momentary pause, an emotional minefield, a jungle of thoughts
I am bewitched and compelled by the harmony and
I play it once again.
I wrote this today 3rd September 2012 whilst listening to some instrumental music. Its pretty much how I feel about music. I just wanted to write and so I did and this was it. This is what is in my head, my heart, my soul right now.
Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)
So I have been keeping notes on all my challenges and updating as and when something happens to move towards that goal, this is the notes fo...

Check out the Five Sentence Fiction link here and join in! So, is it going to be possible to carry on after Awkward & Zombie ? ‘S...
Morning! Yes, I know that my blog design is yet to change but there is still more time :) I was going to wait but I was so damn excited :)))...
Sorry for the delay! Whats my excuse this time? Erm....I was busy writing the A to Z reflections post!? Anyway, enough of that lets get on...