Skipping down the lane
With optimism and joy
With everything to gain
Having fun with a new toy
Tripping on the ground
And falling to your knees
There's nobody around
To listen to your pleas
Pull yourself back up to stand
Brush the dirt from your dress
Things never go quite as planned
You never do impress
Raise your chin and dry your eyes
Forget about the past
It doesn't matter how many tries
The memories always last
It's time to start again and skip
And fill your heart with passion
Next time make sure that you don't trip
It's not a passing fashion.
26 Oct 2012
Exchange Pics!
My Halloween exchange piece took ages to arrive with Shanon - I posted hers the day after she posted mine and it has been over a week later in arriving but at least it has done so before Halloween.
I was really excited as I liked the piece when it was finished and she has the honour (lol!) of having the first thing that I finished with my sewing machine!
When I received mine from her I was so pleased I was slightly worried she may not like hers but she says she does :D Here are some photo's I took during its creation and prior to sending...
The pattern was taken from this sampler...
My Halloween exchange piece took ages to arrive with Shanon - I posted hers the day after she posted mine and it has been over a week later in arriving but at least it has done so before Halloween.
I was really excited as I liked the piece when it was finished and she has the honour (lol!) of having the first thing that I finished with my sewing machine!
When I received mine from her I was so pleased I was slightly worried she may not like hers but she says she does :D Here are some photo's I took during its creation and prior to sending...
The pattern was taken from this sampler...
25 Oct 2012
Help needed, brains fried!
On Tuesday I asked a Twitter friend if she remembered a particular brand of crisps, she didn't and I didn't and my sister didn't and no-one else did! Still, to this day it is plaguing me - feel free to add your suggestion in the comments.
It was a rainy Tuesday in October
When I thought of crisps and then I told her
I said "Lynn,
you won't want to believe it
When I tell you, you'll think I'm an utter tit"
She said "you are! but whats up Kate?
You can tell me, I'm your twitter mate"
I shared the news of my new dilemma
With her and then, my older sister Emma
I told her they're crisps you find in a cheap pub
Not the kind from your local country club
I said you know the ones I mean
They come in blue packets and not the green
"Smiths" she cried, "do you think it is them?"
"No!, but thanks you're such a gem"
"Walkers" she hollered "or maybe Brannigans"
I knew this had started a whole load of shenanigans
I remembered some more about these crispy things
Mainly came in salt with vinegar that stings
I think maybe some brand beginning with ‘N’
She said she had no clue and then it began
I reached out to people on that thing called Twitter
With little response I wasn’t no quitter
I directed each Tweet to a London band
But only one response the others weren’t manned
He advised me to check on the internet
But that was cheating and I wouldn’t use it yet
I said "I'm just trying to be social and make people use
their brains"
He said "I’ll try but I don’t like these games"
Suggestions were said such as Roystons and Rileys
I didn’t recognise either so I just tweeted Smileys
The more that I tried to think of their name
The more that the others all did the same
Golden Wonder, Quavers and even McCoys
As I heard more brands it all became white noise
And still I am thinking, and poor Lynn with OCD
When will we remember and finally be free!
Thursday Truths: Movember
“During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in the UK and around the world. The aim of which is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer.”
Some of you may be wondering what I could possibly be about to say about Movember. Well…. lets get this straight first...
- I do not have a problem with raising money for testicular cancer, prostate cancer or mens health.
- I do not have a problem with raising money for charity.
- I do not have a problem with sponsored events.
- I do not have a problem with events that are open to men of all fitness levels.
What I do have a problem with is...
- I do have a problem with people giving money to men for not shaving. As far as I know it requires very little effort, actually, I am pretty sure it is biological. I understand that not all men want to run marathons, climb mountains and cycle the globe but I really would rather they did something more than nothing.
- I do have a problem with a whole month being dedicated to Mens health. I know October is breast cancer month but it effects both men AND women.
- I do have a problem with the fact that if women of the UK decided on no hair removal for a month that there would be an uproar and hardly any money would be raised. Mainly because their boyfriends/husbands would find it unattractive.
- I do have a problem with girlfriends/wives of men who do this saying how proud they are of their partners – proud of him not shaving for a month?! There are many things you can be proud of your partner for but not shaving...!!! I also think its ironic that cancer sufferers lose/can lose their hair due to treatment and this is encouraging people to be as hairy as possible…”oh, you have lost all your hair, and your eyebrows, and your eyelashes, and you couldn't grow a moustache/beard even if you wanted to right now. Well, don’t worry, I’ll just grow mine for you as a constant visible reminder to all cancer sufferers that 1) you have cancer 2) you have no hair 3) this is the most we are prepared to do to help you”
I will happily give money to someone dressed in a funny costume with a bucket, someone in normal clothes spending their free time collecting, anyone who does anything that requires and ounce of effort on their part. How about not watch football/sport for the whole month?!
I could go on – but I won't – but I understand if you disagree with what I have said. I expect some will. I was actually really worried about what people would think and considered not writing it but you know what – it’s a rant and its my opinion and it should tell you a bit more about me!
Its awfully quiet in here all of a sudden! ;)
24 Oct 2012
Vigorous waving to friends!!!
Hi All,
Today I wrote a song and asked if anyone wanted to write some music to go with it! My first ever song and a guy from a cool band write one for me! I am so excited I want to scream it from the top of every mountain. So I hope you dont mind me asking you to go check out the post and have a listen...
Everybody SCREAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I wrote a song and asked if anyone wanted to write some music to go with it! My first ever song and a guy from a cool band write one for me! I am so excited I want to scream it from the top of every mountain. So I hope you dont mind me asking you to go check out the post and have a listen...
Everybody SCREAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
Write 4 Ten: On a fishing boat
During band interviews, I used to ask whether the song came first or the music. I was surprised to hear most say that the music came first but it is a bit like the chicken and the egg scenario.
I cannot write music and I doubt I am the greatest song writer that ever there lived, but this morning I was inspired to write a song albeit a very brief folksy (I imagine) song. I would love to be able to have some music to go with this and if you are a musician who has accidentally stumbled onto this page and thinks you have a tune for it then I would love to hear it (hoping for miracles). EDIT: Someone recorded it for me!!! See video below!
It was written in response to the Write4Ten prompt: On a fishing boat [Setting] (please note: I have changed the image as this is more appropriate to the theme of my song/ditty)
I cannot write music and I doubt I am the greatest song writer that ever there lived, but this morning I was inspired to write a song albeit a very brief folksy (I imagine) song. I would love to be able to have some music to go with this and if you are a musician who has accidentally stumbled onto this page and thinks you have a tune for it then I would love to hear it (hoping for miracles). EDIT: Someone recorded it for me!!! See video below!
It was written in response to the Write4Ten prompt: On a fishing boat [Setting] (please note: I have changed the image as this is more appropriate to the theme of my song/ditty)
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Source |
As I sail to you
Early in the morning, through the wind and the rain
My body is beaten by nature, without any refrain
I battle the seas, with my sails and my net
Just to get close to you at the place that we met
With rhythm and sway
On the cool of the blue
She creaks and she croaks
As I sail to you
With your long golden hair and a tail of green
Seashells can’t hide what I’ve already seen
You sing like an angel from heavens above
As the wind carries it to me, my heart fills with love
With rhythm and sway
On the cool of the blue
She creaks and she croaks
As I sail to you
As the night draws to a close and a chill fills the air
I wonder aloud, if you really were there
With my boat laden with fish after a day out at sea
I remember the song that you once sang to me.
23 Oct 2012
Tuesday Truth: How d'you like them apples?
Welcome, welcome, one and all! Roll up, roll up to the Tuesday ball!
So (in the words of the great artist Pink) lets get this party started!
I don't know if writing a post entitled Tuesday Truth is such a great idea, up until today I have probably written about 100 posts expressing my own personal truths about certain subjects. These posts have never been published.
I tend to get inspired whilst at work, I then walk home and spend 35 minutes composing in my head a very wordy and groundbreaking rant about said subject. As I reach home, I come to the conclusion that it is probably best to keep my opinions to myself, and whatever had irked me enough to cause this cerebral rant to the nth degree has now been worked through. The post is no more and it disappears as quickly as it came about. There have even been instances where I have clicked on 'New Post' and started in with something like...
Most of my rants start of like this buried in my confusion at how some people just don’t have any common sense/logic/self-respect/self-awareness and the list goes on, all the time holding myself up as an example of a logical self-respecting self-aware open minded…fool.
However, I recently came upon a post about…
Now please don’t judge me here, I wasn't attempting to find a way to lure followers – I love the people who visit here already and take the time to say ‘Hi!’ just so that I feel I am not talking to myself – but mainly because I love these advice posts. Usually, they give you advice that you should follow to the letter in order to be successful in any way, but all the time I am reading them I am thinking...
You see, I can find a reason/excuse whatever you want to call it, a defense maybe for anything – so you are telling everyone how you invented the wheel and sliced bread (and the guide tells you this will scare people away) – maybe you are just that fantastic, maybe you are insecure and are hoping that if you act this way and say these things then you will become the best thing since sliced bread or invent (another) wheel, but things are never that black and white and some people love wheel inventors and bread slicers. I know I do.
But, I have digressed…a lot…because what I wanted to say was that the guide said that you should add something of yourself to your blog so that your readers could connect with you…it makes sense and so I figured that every week I would write some non-fiction so that you could get to know me – and the last time I wrote some was on Thursday. I completely forgot that the prompt was a bonus prompt and so my big plans for Tuesday/Thursday truths were scuppered before they began. So...
I have decided that I will just have to come up with my own prompt on a Tuesday/Thursday and write from that. It’s a crazy idea. If you have any prompts to contribute then let me know, really, it only takes a second to add a comment, I have no robot test, I welcome comments from robots. I've seen bicentennial man, I’m not an idiot ;)
I know that these posts that aren't linked to blog hops or challenges or celebrities or bands or…well, I think you know what I mean… and they aren't often read or commented on, but I will continue to write them just in case there is one housebound person out there whose computer has frozen accidentally on my website and who is unable to actually escape and thus is forced to read it…and weep!
If you read this, please put a smiley face in the comments or a sad face or a winky face or any face just so I know that I am at least talking to one person out there…yes, that’s you Mum!
So (in the words of the great artist Pink) lets get this party started!
I don't know if writing a post entitled Tuesday Truth is such a great idea, up until today I have probably written about 100 posts expressing my own personal truths about certain subjects. These posts have never been published.
So what happened to them?
I tend to get inspired whilst at work, I then walk home and spend 35 minutes composing in my head a very wordy and groundbreaking rant about said subject. As I reach home, I come to the conclusion that it is probably best to keep my opinions to myself, and whatever had irked me enough to cause this cerebral rant to the nth degree has now been worked through. The post is no more and it disappears as quickly as it came about. There have even been instances where I have clicked on 'New Post' and started in with something like...
I just don't understand some people...
Most of my rants start of like this buried in my confusion at how some people just don’t have any common sense/logic/self-respect/self-awareness and the list goes on, all the time holding myself up as an example of a logical self-respecting self-aware open minded…fool.
However, I recently came upon a post about…
What to write on your blog to get/keep followers
Now please don’t judge me here, I wasn't attempting to find a way to lure followers – I love the people who visit here already and take the time to say ‘Hi!’ just so that I feel I am not talking to myself – but mainly because I love these advice posts. Usually, they give you advice that you should follow to the letter in order to be successful in any way, but all the time I am reading them I am thinking...
I disagree!
You see, I can find a reason/excuse whatever you want to call it, a defense maybe for anything – so you are telling everyone how you invented the wheel and sliced bread (and the guide tells you this will scare people away) – maybe you are just that fantastic, maybe you are insecure and are hoping that if you act this way and say these things then you will become the best thing since sliced bread or invent (another) wheel, but things are never that black and white and some people love wheel inventors and bread slicers. I know I do.
But, I have digressed…a lot…because what I wanted to say was that the guide said that you should add something of yourself to your blog so that your readers could connect with you…it makes sense and so I figured that every week I would write some non-fiction so that you could get to know me – and the last time I wrote some was on Thursday. I completely forgot that the prompt was a bonus prompt and so my big plans for Tuesday/Thursday truths were scuppered before they began. So...
Brace yourself
I have decided that I will just have to come up with my own prompt on a Tuesday/Thursday and write from that. It’s a crazy idea. If you have any prompts to contribute then let me know, really, it only takes a second to add a comment, I have no robot test, I welcome comments from robots. I've seen bicentennial man, I’m not an idiot ;)
I know that these posts that aren't linked to blog hops or challenges or celebrities or bands or…well, I think you know what I mean… and they aren't often read or commented on, but I will continue to write them just in case there is one housebound person out there whose computer has frozen accidentally on my website and who is unable to actually escape and thus is forced to read it…and weep!
If you read this, please put a smiley face in the comments or a sad face or a winky face or any face just so I know that I am at least talking to one person out there…yes, that’s you Mum!
22 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: Casual
Recorded version...
Write 4 Ten: Casual
Write 4 Ten: Casual
Oh damn! He says he wants to keep our relationship casual. Casual?!
What is that supposed to mean exactly? I’ve never been able to understand what
that means. Does it just mean that we don’t speak about our feelings? Does that
mean that I am not supposed to call him my boyfriend? Even after 6 months?
Oh damn! I’m stuck now in an awkward silence, one that I can’t
break without it being awkward, I don’t know exactly how to respond. If I ask
what it means am I breaking some unwritten rule? I wonder if I can tell by
looking at him. Did my heart just flutter? I think it’s a bit too late for
casual. I think, I think I love him. I’ve ruined it now by falling for him. It’s
going to be my entire fault for sure. After all, he wants it to be casual and I
have messed up. I daren’t look at him, dare I?
Oh damn! I can’t look away. My eyes are locked on him; I just
need to see if I can read it in his face, does he really mean it? His eyes aren’t
saying much, just gazing at the people passing us by, he is hardly even
blinking. What does that mean? I do that when I am trying not to cry! Is he
trying not to cry? He does care, surely? Or is he just waiting for a chance to
leave? Is that a frown on his brow? Is he confused? Is he struggling to contain
his feelings? Is he regretting asking for it to be casual? Is the sun in his
eyes? I hate this. If I ask him about his feelings then am I breaking the ‘casual’
rule? Does anyone else ever do this? Do guys ever do this?
Oh damn! I think he is about to leave, he’s doing that thing
he does when he is about to leave, clears his throat, looks to the side, folds
his arms, turns to me and smiles. He smiles that smile. You know the one, the
one which lights up his face, and the one which makes me feel like there is
no-one else that he would rather be looking at, the one that makes me feel
important and loved.
Oh, damn! Should I tell him how I feel? Or just smile back
and say “Casual?! Sounds great, after all, we don’t want to ruin a good thing
by getting all serious do we?” What? Oh, you want it to be the casual where we
see other people? The casual where we can hang out sometimes at parties and if
we are both still single we can ‘hook up’. Isn’t that more than casual? That
sounds non-existent to me.
Oh damn! I can’t take it! I am just going to ask him, no
tell him. You only live once after all. I think he is just testing me, to see
if I say I love you first, you know guys they always seem nervous about saying
such things, don’t they?
Oh damn! I spoke to soon. Apparently, when he says ‘casual’
and ‘see other people’ he means that he is already seeing other people and they
are serious about each other, why couldn’t he have told me this when he met
her? Why wait until its ‘serious’? Why let me fall in love with him and then
take it all away? Why am I always so naïve? And why am I the last to know?
19 Oct 2012
Music Review: Tele Mori
The band I am about to review today is a band that I never met through Twitter! Shocking news, right? Earth shattering? Maybe not.
I found these guys through Spotify in what was a game of word association. It started with a friend saying lets send each other songs to do with America. I put in California and randomly selected a song called ‘California Year’ by The Brokenmusicbox. They're not bad, I would recommend checking out the track ‘Possible to Arrange’ from their latest album ‘A Life Less Underground’. I recommended this to a friend and she asked me to send her the track via Spotify. This resulted in me trying to desperately recall the name of the song…so I typed in Broken Music…and a new list appeared and Tele Mori were on that list as their album is called Sounds from a Broken Music Box.
It was a pretty long winded way of discovering them. But I was happy when I did. I listened to the album a couple of times and was impressed. I don’t know why it took me so long to see if they were on Twitter, I think it may have been because I expected them to have a mass following already – imagine my surprise when I found them and they had 51 followers! I couldn't believe it…I kept listening to them trying to work out why that was the case, bad PR maybe? Who knows! All I know is I have found them now and am enjoying listening to them. So much so, that I would like to share them with you, so a big round of applause for…

They are the first entirely American band I have reviewed. Hailing from Oklahoma in the US Tele Mori is made up of **insert band members names** and they describe themselves on their bio as:
"the sound is something remnant of indie rock with electronic tinkering...well thought out song writing enveloping all that is electronic modern rock n roll."
So the lead singer Henry agreed to answer some questions..
Can you give us a brief history of the band?
Tele Mori started out back in late 08-09 as just me and my brother Ryan writing and recording demo tracks with a full band in mind. Our previous projects had mainly been electronic focused so this type of writing was substantially different. I had to sort of dumb things down, keeping in mind if I added everything I thought would sound cool bringing in a band would just cause a big pile of sound with too much going on. We started performing live with a full band in 2010, it's taken several drummers and guitarist to find the right mix of people able to create and move in the direction that feels right. The line up is now all family members. Myself (Henry McMinn vocals, keys, programming) My brother (Ryan McDoulett Bass) Taylor Fallis My brother in law (drums, percussion) Griffin Sansone Tays Cousin/my cousin in law (Guitars, backing vocals).
Who are your musical heroes and influences?
If you had to recommend one track to someone who has never heard you music before) as an example of your ‘sound’ which one would you choose?
I think ‘Listening while I sleep’ is my favourite track, what inspired that?
That song was written about alienation and outside forces pushing you towards something. The feeling of being alone while surrounded by the herd, longing to sort of belong or fit into the system but not sure how. Once you figure it out and take your place in line realizing you never belonged in the first place and you're still looking through the glass.You recently supported Neon Trees, what was that like?
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Courtesy of Tele Mori |
I am always curious as to what song bands would cover if they went on the radio show 'Live Lounge', which song would you like to cover in that situation?
"Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums" by A Perfect Circle, everything about that song is great I could listen to it on repeat.What have you got planned for the next 12 months?
Here is another track called Little Ghosts :)
I hope you'll take the time to check them out and let me know what you think.
18 Oct 2012
Five Sentence Fiction: Flawed
I nearly forgot that today was FSF day!
Here is my contribution :)
Here is my contribution :)
Tonight was THE night.
In the past she had always chickened out but tonight nothing
was going to stand in her way.
He wouldn’t know what hit him she thought, as she smoothed
the silk gown over her hips and carefully placed her feet into the crystal
slippers, he didn’t stand a chance when she looked this good.
Entering the ballroom from the side entrance, she could see
him talking to one of her ugly sisters – ugh! – this Prince was hers and she
was going to show everyone.
She grabbed the nape of his neck, closed her eyes and kissed
him as her stomach performed a million somersaults, she opened her eyes “Buttons!”
Write 4 Ten: Infection (non-fiction)
Some non-fiction for you! I bet you are happy about that, especially with a prompt such as ‘infection’…I do like to spoil you! Its a bit long too...
So just to keep Bill from TEHI happy, I shall begin this true-life tale with this…
Actually, I was living in Africa, Ghana to be precise. It was back in the days when it was still a third world country. I had gone there as a VSO volunteer. The VSO is like the Peace corp. It was something I had long wanted to do, being a child of the eighties, I was inspired by Live Aid (the first time around) and if I could have gone then, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have. My mother could probably confirm a conversation whereby I suggested this as an option.
I hate to see inequality or suffering, maybe its because I am a nice person or maybe its because I am a Libran but for whatever reason I often think its unnecessary when there are resources in the world for it not to happen. Anyway, this is about infection and so I shall continue…
I went to visit a friend who lived in the Upper West Region (I was living in the Upper East Region) and to get there it was a tro-tro (very cramped cage on the back of a truck), then a shared taxi and then a bus. I think we must have gone in the rainy season. The upper regions of Ghana (unlike those in the South) have only two seasons; rainy season and the dry season. There had been no rain until we were about 30 minutes drive from the town and then it fell down. I am slightly odd (I am sure you are too) in that I like the smell of damp earth so was enjoying the trip so far. Then my left wrist started to hurt. Just bending it, or moving it, or anything it – it just hurt.
The bus stopped at the town and to get off we had to leap from the step of the bus, over a giant puddle to a less wet mud path. On these buses they tend to have a driver and a drivers mate, he takes the money, charges you for any luggage, yells out the stops and helps you off – in his haste to be helpful, he grabbed my left wrist and flung me off the bus like a ragdoll. I may have sworn at him.
Well, that night I felt quite ill, was tired and feverish. The weekend went by in a blur and the only thing I remember is my friends resentment (I think she thought I was faking it!). Anyway, I returned back to my little bungalow on the campus…oh, I forgot…I was working as a Maths and Science Teacher at a Secondary School in a town…and went back to my usual routine.
The only thing that wasn’t usual was my inability to do the hand-washing because of the pain in my wrist when I tried to use it, or the fact that I couldn’t really use it and had no grip with it. At that time the tro-tro into the nearest town with the doctors (we had to use a particular one) only ran twice a week. It also meant that if you went to town on a week day you would have to miss your classes. So with one thing and another and my natural ability to avoid doctors and just get on with it that is what I did.
Then one weekend I went to stay with a friend who taught at a school in the town where the doctors was, it had been about 2 months and I still could not use it and the muscle had wasted away on that arm. Now, don’t look at me like that and please no tutting, I was just busy with classes and planning and extra lessons and being the sports mistress and ….I can make excuses all day, but at the end of it, you have to accept that I didn’t go – Hindsight! (invaluable). But that weekend, I did go to see the doctor who was quite worried that it was reactive arthritis, which is not a good thing to have. I had it x-rayed and the results showed that it wasn’t arthritis. I had blood tests and the results showed that I had a slightly high white cell count (so was fighting infection!!!! See, I got the prompt in, well done me J ) but nothing else. He could see though that any movement of it was causing considerable pain and the joint was frozen. So, because I was an international volunteer, I was referred. I had to go to the City. The City being the capital city of Ghana, Accra. It meant a 45 minutes tro-tro and then a minimum 12hr coach journey. It isn’t a fun trip on a decent coach but well…you’ve seen tv shows with goats, shopping, overcrowding etc. Imagine 60 people trapped inside a tin can with some goats for 12 hours – not a fun image. But I got there and had to go to the volunteer head office, they then sent me to their doctor, they then sent me to the hospital, they x-rayed my wrist, they took some blood, etc. and still inconclusive. They could tell me what it wasn’t but they couldn’t tell me what it was.
Also, in a strange twist of fate, my right knee had started to seize up and become painful…sound familiar…and they decided to send me back to the UK on the next available flight to be seen by a doctor here. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, I was distraught, I did not want to go home. But, always one to do as I am told, I boarded the next available flight to the UK…via Johannesburg, SA. Normal flight time Accra to London is 6hrs. I went from Accra to Jo’burg (12hrs) waited for 3hrs in the departure lounge and then from Jo’burg to London (18hrs).
It wasn’t fun, and my right knee became swollen, my mother met me at the airport as I came hobbling out with my gammy leg and my scrawny arm, probably looking very tired! But I wanted to get it sorted as soon as possible and we went from the airport to our local A&E. There was a long wait and eventually I was seen. The doctor examined the arm, he examined the knee, he took some blood, he took some x-rays, and then he came back for more blood to send to the Tropical Disease Unit – at this point I said “please, don’t take anymore blood..” and the doctor very kindly didn’t. What he did do, was book me in and I had to stay overnight in the hospital, they still had no clue as to what is was or why it had happened.
The next day a young doctor came to look at my knee and said he wanted to drain some of the fluid, to see if it was infected, and I agreed. He came back and explained that it wouldn’t hurt much until it got to the bone, ok I said. So he pulled the curtain around for privacy (my mother was there! Lol) and gets out the needle and starts draining it, I am wincing and clinging to the bed and he hasn’t gone far when I yelp a little (I will tell you it bloody hurt!) and the doctor looked at me and said;
“Oh, come on, it doesn’t hurt that much”, I replied rather loudly and not without venom,
“How many times have you had your knee drained?!” He smiled and accepted that he never had, when he pulled the curtain back all the other patients in the ward were smiling at me :D
The outcome of this story is, it was not a tropical disease, it was not arthritis, it was not anything but an ‘unknown virus’ which is always helpful and it did correct itself on its own eventually. I had to go to see a specialist who told me that I wouldn’t be able to go back to Ghana for at least 6 weeks possibly 4. I cried, yes I did, I cried in the doctors office and told him that I couldn’t wait that long, that surely I was fine, that it was getting better and please please…you see he had to sign me off as fit to return….and he succumbed and said I could go back in 3 weeks. To this day I have less flexibility in that wrist and a poor grip (it’s a good job I am not left-handed (always see the silver lining)) and the moral of my story is…erm…yeah, there is no moral.
Its sadly only one of many many silly stories – I am also very clumsy and forgetful and trusting and friendly, lol!
So just to keep Bill from TEHI happy, I shall begin this true-life tale with this…
…When I was living in Africa…
Actually, I was living in Africa, Ghana to be precise. It was back in the days when it was still a third world country. I had gone there as a VSO volunteer. The VSO is like the Peace corp. It was something I had long wanted to do, being a child of the eighties, I was inspired by Live Aid (the first time around) and if I could have gone then, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have. My mother could probably confirm a conversation whereby I suggested this as an option.
I hate to see inequality or suffering, maybe its because I am a nice person or maybe its because I am a Libran but for whatever reason I often think its unnecessary when there are resources in the world for it not to happen. Anyway, this is about infection and so I shall continue…
…When I was living in Africa…
I went to visit a friend who lived in the Upper West Region (I was living in the Upper East Region) and to get there it was a tro-tro (very cramped cage on the back of a truck), then a shared taxi and then a bus. I think we must have gone in the rainy season. The upper regions of Ghana (unlike those in the South) have only two seasons; rainy season and the dry season. There had been no rain until we were about 30 minutes drive from the town and then it fell down. I am slightly odd (I am sure you are too) in that I like the smell of damp earth so was enjoying the trip so far. Then my left wrist started to hurt. Just bending it, or moving it, or anything it – it just hurt.
The bus stopped at the town and to get off we had to leap from the step of the bus, over a giant puddle to a less wet mud path. On these buses they tend to have a driver and a drivers mate, he takes the money, charges you for any luggage, yells out the stops and helps you off – in his haste to be helpful, he grabbed my left wrist and flung me off the bus like a ragdoll. I may have sworn at him.
Well, that night I felt quite ill, was tired and feverish. The weekend went by in a blur and the only thing I remember is my friends resentment (I think she thought I was faking it!). Anyway, I returned back to my little bungalow on the campus…oh, I forgot…I was working as a Maths and Science Teacher at a Secondary School in a town…and went back to my usual routine.
The only thing that wasn’t usual was my inability to do the hand-washing because of the pain in my wrist when I tried to use it, or the fact that I couldn’t really use it and had no grip with it. At that time the tro-tro into the nearest town with the doctors (we had to use a particular one) only ran twice a week. It also meant that if you went to town on a week day you would have to miss your classes. So with one thing and another and my natural ability to avoid doctors and just get on with it that is what I did.
Then one weekend I went to stay with a friend who taught at a school in the town where the doctors was, it had been about 2 months and I still could not use it and the muscle had wasted away on that arm. Now, don’t look at me like that and please no tutting, I was just busy with classes and planning and extra lessons and being the sports mistress and ….I can make excuses all day, but at the end of it, you have to accept that I didn’t go – Hindsight! (invaluable). But that weekend, I did go to see the doctor who was quite worried that it was reactive arthritis, which is not a good thing to have. I had it x-rayed and the results showed that it wasn’t arthritis. I had blood tests and the results showed that I had a slightly high white cell count (so was fighting infection!!!! See, I got the prompt in, well done me J ) but nothing else. He could see though that any movement of it was causing considerable pain and the joint was frozen. So, because I was an international volunteer, I was referred. I had to go to the City. The City being the capital city of Ghana, Accra. It meant a 45 minutes tro-tro and then a minimum 12hr coach journey. It isn’t a fun trip on a decent coach but well…you’ve seen tv shows with goats, shopping, overcrowding etc. Imagine 60 people trapped inside a tin can with some goats for 12 hours – not a fun image. But I got there and had to go to the volunteer head office, they then sent me to their doctor, they then sent me to the hospital, they x-rayed my wrist, they took some blood, etc. and still inconclusive. They could tell me what it wasn’t but they couldn’t tell me what it was.
Also, in a strange twist of fate, my right knee had started to seize up and become painful…sound familiar…and they decided to send me back to the UK on the next available flight to be seen by a doctor here. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, I was distraught, I did not want to go home. But, always one to do as I am told, I boarded the next available flight to the UK…via Johannesburg, SA. Normal flight time Accra to London is 6hrs. I went from Accra to Jo’burg (12hrs) waited for 3hrs in the departure lounge and then from Jo’burg to London (18hrs).
It wasn’t fun, and my right knee became swollen, my mother met me at the airport as I came hobbling out with my gammy leg and my scrawny arm, probably looking very tired! But I wanted to get it sorted as soon as possible and we went from the airport to our local A&E. There was a long wait and eventually I was seen. The doctor examined the arm, he examined the knee, he took some blood, he took some x-rays, and then he came back for more blood to send to the Tropical Disease Unit – at this point I said “please, don’t take anymore blood..” and the doctor very kindly didn’t. What he did do, was book me in and I had to stay overnight in the hospital, they still had no clue as to what is was or why it had happened.
The next day a young doctor came to look at my knee and said he wanted to drain some of the fluid, to see if it was infected, and I agreed. He came back and explained that it wouldn’t hurt much until it got to the bone, ok I said. So he pulled the curtain around for privacy (my mother was there! Lol) and gets out the needle and starts draining it, I am wincing and clinging to the bed and he hasn’t gone far when I yelp a little (I will tell you it bloody hurt!) and the doctor looked at me and said;
“Oh, come on, it doesn’t hurt that much”, I replied rather loudly and not without venom,
“How many times have you had your knee drained?!” He smiled and accepted that he never had, when he pulled the curtain back all the other patients in the ward were smiling at me :D
The outcome of this story is, it was not a tropical disease, it was not arthritis, it was not anything but an ‘unknown virus’ which is always helpful and it did correct itself on its own eventually. I had to go to see a specialist who told me that I wouldn’t be able to go back to Ghana for at least 6 weeks possibly 4. I cried, yes I did, I cried in the doctors office and told him that I couldn’t wait that long, that surely I was fine, that it was getting better and please please…you see he had to sign me off as fit to return….and he succumbed and said I could go back in 3 weeks. To this day I have less flexibility in that wrist and a poor grip (it’s a good job I am not left-handed (always see the silver lining)) and the moral of my story is…erm…yeah, there is no moral.
Its sadly only one of many many silly stories – I am also very clumsy and forgetful and trusting and friendly, lol!
17 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: In the ambulance
Today is Wednesday on Write 4 Ten and its a setting...
The smell of disinfectant caressed her nasal passages and
weaved its way towards her throat, she could taste the bitterness on her tongue
and it made her heave, as she tried to sit up. A hand grabbed her arm, it was
strong but handled her tenderly. An almost gravelly voice told her to “lie
back, it will be ok, just lie back”.
She flickered open her eyes but the intensity of the light
was too much and she could only squint. It was all shadows. She tried to move
again but felt a sharp stabbing pain in her side and the feeling was so intense
that she crumpled into the gurney, her eyes rolled up slightly and a small
squeak creaked out of her throat.
Her teeth began to chatter involuntarily and she shivered. The
feeling of coldness had sprung from nowhere, only a moment ago she had been
burning up with fever she thought, as she felt a blanket being placed on her. Her
body seemed to have adopted a jumpsuit of numbness. She could feel every cell
inside her body rushing around like soldiers at war, fighting the good fight.
She wanted to pull the blanket up to her chin, to get cosy, but to lift her hand was impossible.
She was listless and tired. There was no energy in reserve that she could
resort to. The shivering was taking what little strength she had.
The sirens were muffled and less clear than they had been
when she had first been placed into the ambulance, the voices she could hear
were now fading. The shivering had stopped and her teeth no longer chattered. She
let out a deep breath and darkness fell.
16 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: Lozenge
I was inspired to write this piece based on one of my
Sat there on the sofa in her Pjs and with a duvet over her
she gazed at the TV. Her nose was bunged up and she was forced to sit open
mouthed in order to breathe. Her only interruption was a niggling yet
persistent cough. It didn’t want to commit to being a big hearty cough, oh no,
it liked to sit there at the back of her throat occasionally stroking her
tonsils and setting them to itch mode. Her chest was laden with a sheen of vapour
rub but for all the effect it was having she might have well used vegetable
oil. Beside her was a glass of water and a combination of used and fresh
She dreamed of respite from this blasted cold as she popped
another lozenge into her mouth. A yummy cherry one – there were some perks -
but as she threw it in and then yanked the duvet back onto her (it had a habit
of sliding off) the lozenge lodged in her throat. She released the duvet and
half choked and coughed, choughed?, in
order to dislodge the lozenge, in her efforts the sofa cushion got dislodged
too and with one last sputter the lozenge flew from her mouth and fell into the
space left by the cushion.
She glanced down at the wet lozenge that was sat on the sofa
lining and every hair on her body stood up on end and she gave a shiver, the
glistening sticky surface of the lozenge was a magnet to all debri and she
tried not to gag. She should try and pick it up and throw it away, but as she
moved, she lent on the sofa springs and the lozenge darted for the crease, she
would have to push down on the springs again in order to fish it out from its
hiding place, as she did this crumbs started to travel towards her hand – like ants
racing to higher ground and without the ability to breath through her nose, and
already holding her breath, she gasped. She shuddered and pushed down again and
could see it sat amongst crumbs, a pencil, a penny and some fluff, fluff that
was slung across it like a cape across a superhero’s shoulders. She reached
into the space and pinched her finger and thumb ready to pull it out – it was
like a game of Operation, with a steady hand she headed towards the target
whilst trying not to touch anything else for fear of something…almost there…she
swallowed hard, breathed heavy from her mouth and held her breath again. It was
too much, she couldn’t do it…”MUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!!”
15 Oct 2012
Social Media
I wrote this poem on my birthday. I have since edited it and added new verses as I experience more through Twitter which was the focus of this poem. I think it will continue to change and grow and I hope to keep coming back to it.
a tentative start as you step out
on the world stage that is so full
where once it took much more
than an internet connection to step into the pool
no knowledge of what to say or where to begin
no knowledge of how or who
the only knowledge that you bring
is knowing how to be you.
at first it's New and you're unsure
that it could be anything you need
but as you start to follow and are followed
social media has laid it's seed.
time passes quickly sometimes
and it all seems to be good
then you realise there is something
that isn't as it should.
A misunderstanding
that Pushes limits to the brink
it questions everything about you
yet with so many voices it can be hard to think
you have to face the consequences chosing which path you'll take
inviting the opinion of others into your world
n answers confuse or offend you seek solace in absences shade.
What once offered comfort and solace
Now offers awkwardness and denial
A self-imposed prison of screens
Built to offer freedom for the masses
With only one route laid out to follow
The decision seems simple
But the future has possibilities
And new paths are waiting to be found
An open book with the pages torn out
For safe keeping and preservation
A haven built on words
A gift of imagination
you ask for an opinion
I give you an honest one
you don't like what I have to say
our ffriendships all but done
you ask for utmost secrecy
I promise that will be
you cant keep it though yourself
then end up embarrassing me
a tentative start as you step out
on the world stage that is so full
where once it took much more
than an internet connection to step into the pool
no knowledge of what to say or where to begin
no knowledge of how or who
the only knowledge that you bring
is knowing how to be you.
at first it's New and you're unsure
that it could be anything you need
but as you start to follow and are followed
social media has laid it's seed.
time passes quickly sometimes
and it all seems to be good
then you realise there is something
that isn't as it should.
A misunderstanding
that Pushes limits to the brink
it questions everything about you
yet with so many voices it can be hard to think
you have to face the consequences chosing which path you'll take
inviting the opinion of others into your world
n answers confuse or offend you seek solace in absences shade.
What once offered comfort and solace
Now offers awkwardness and denial
A self-imposed prison of screens
Built to offer freedom for the masses
With only one route laid out to follow
The decision seems simple
But the future has possibilities
And new paths are waiting to be found
An open book with the pages torn out
For safe keeping and preservation
A haven built on words
A gift of imagination
you ask for an opinion
I give you an honest one
you don't like what I have to say
our ffriendships all but done
you ask for utmost secrecy
I promise that will be
you cant keep it though yourself
then end up embarrassing me
Exchange goodies & perfect timing!
Yes, I know that my blog design is yet to change but there is still more time :) I was going to wait but I was so damn excited :)))))))
You see - its that time of year again - its my birthday :D
I was innocently minding my own business when there was a knock at the door, who could it be?, it was the postman! And he had a box...for me!!
It was from Shannon over at A Bit of This and That and it was for our Halloween Exchange. I am hoping that she will get hers later this week sometime so that I can also post pictures of that. But here are some pictures of the lovely ornament and gifts that Shannon so kindly sent me. I absolutely love Halloween and am very ecstatic with my exchange - its a Skeleton!
Ok, and without further ado here it is...
Seriously? How lucky am I?!
So a big thank you to Shannon :)
Bye for now folks!
P.S I have finally worked out commenting via my phone so should be able to catch up now.
Yes, I know that my blog design is yet to change but there is still more time :) I was going to wait but I was so damn excited :)))))))
You see - its that time of year again - its my birthday :D
I was innocently minding my own business when there was a knock at the door, who could it be?, it was the postman! And he had a box...for me!!
It was from Shannon over at A Bit of This and That and it was for our Halloween Exchange. I am hoping that she will get hers later this week sometime so that I can also post pictures of that. But here are some pictures of the lovely ornament and gifts that Shannon so kindly sent me. I absolutely love Halloween and am very ecstatic with my exchange - its a Skeleton!
Ok, and without further ado here it is...
Seriously? How lucky am I?!
So a big thank you to Shannon :)
Bye for now folks!
P.S I have finally worked out commenting via my phone so should be able to catch up now.
12 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: Mouse
This is a little personal piece about how I feel at work...please be gentle...:)
The room was more silent than any mouse. She could make out the sound of
people breathing, of their chests rising and falling, of their chairs
squeaking, their footsteps muffled by the office carpet and she hated every
second of it. All she wanted to do was to escape from the barrage of emptiness
that was surrounding and smothering her like a thick blanket of smoke. Seeping
into her pores and sapping her of any energy, enthusiasm or spark of life.
A hero lied in wait for her, many heroes. She could rely on
them to lift her spirits, spark her imagination, make her smile and most of all
take her away from this din of muted colleagues. She placed the large earphones
onto her head, plugged them into the computers hard drive, pressed play and at
once could breathe again. The music danced in her ears. Every cell in her body
vibrated in response. Sat there at her desk, typing away and working, all she
could hear were the sweet melodies, the deep resounding bass, the passionate
violins, the thumping drums and the beat of her own heart.
Well, well, well....
Where do I start? I haven't seemed to have enough hours in the day lately for everything that I want to do! Why does that happen? You think you have plenty of time and then all of a sudden you're overloaded - lol!
Crochet - I have continued with the crochet blanket, going for slow and steady and I do a little bit when my brain is frazzled.
Stitching - eek! The Halloween exchange piece is winging its way across the ocean to Shannon and my Christmas stitches are in hiding.
Knitting - I haven't done any since my last update, but will probably try and do some before the month is over.
Blog reading - I have over 1000 posts to read! I intend to do that this weekend, so look out for me commenting on all your wonderful treasures. :)
Music - As usual I have been listening to lots of music, some new, some old and some very different. I posted a music review on my blog this week for anyone interested.
Writing - well, I have been very busy writing from daily prompts and enjoying it immensely, but recently I had a thriller series on my blog. I was up to 10 parts through it when it occurred to me that it had the potential to be a great novel for me to write during NaNoWriMo. If anyone missed it and wants a taster then let me know and I will email it over to you! - be warned there is no ending as there was 12 parts to it and I only released 10.
Other news....I have not yet redesigned this blog! My birthday is Monday so with the deadline looming I should get it done. But how to choose between all of the above (I have two band interviews!) - shall I just put them all in a hat and pull one out?
I look forward to checking up on you this weekend! Folllow me on Twitter if you're on there.
Bye for now
P.S Here are some photo's from a gig I went to at Shepherds Bush (F.U.N) and some grass (lol!) and cupcakes.
Where do I start? I haven't seemed to have enough hours in the day lately for everything that I want to do! Why does that happen? You think you have plenty of time and then all of a sudden you're overloaded - lol!
Crochet - I have continued with the crochet blanket, going for slow and steady and I do a little bit when my brain is frazzled.
Stitching - eek! The Halloween exchange piece is winging its way across the ocean to Shannon and my Christmas stitches are in hiding.
Knitting - I haven't done any since my last update, but will probably try and do some before the month is over.
Blog reading - I have over 1000 posts to read! I intend to do that this weekend, so look out for me commenting on all your wonderful treasures. :)
Music - As usual I have been listening to lots of music, some new, some old and some very different. I posted a music review on my blog this week for anyone interested.
Writing - well, I have been very busy writing from daily prompts and enjoying it immensely, but recently I had a thriller series on my blog. I was up to 10 parts through it when it occurred to me that it had the potential to be a great novel for me to write during NaNoWriMo. If anyone missed it and wants a taster then let me know and I will email it over to you! - be warned there is no ending as there was 12 parts to it and I only released 10.
Other news....I have not yet redesigned this blog! My birthday is Monday so with the deadline looming I should get it done. But how to choose between all of the above (I have two band interviews!) - shall I just put them all in a hat and pull one out?
I look forward to checking up on you this weekend! Folllow me on Twitter if you're on there.
Bye for now
P.S Here are some photo's from a gig I went to at Shepherds Bush (F.U.N) and some grass (lol!) and cupcakes.
11 Oct 2012
Five Sentence Fiction: Detour
Sleeping, silent, a gentle purr,
Curled up, so small, a ball of Fur.
Listening, alert, a familiar sound,
Footsteps, padding along the ground.
Paused, still, not even a flicker,
Eyes dart, mind whirrs, which way is quicker.
Glaring, a look, the window is shut,
How to escape that dastardly mutt.
Jumping, up high, to the top of the fridge,
A shelf, on the wall, that serves as a bridge.
10 Oct 2012
This is an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for anyone currently reading the short story 'Police Station'.
You see something has happened. Something serious. A decision has been made to use this story as the inspiration for a novel. A novel that will be written during the month of November as part of NaNoWriMo.
It wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. I have discussed it at length with my characters and we have decided that we have a bigger story to be told. We have loved sharing with you the story so far, but so much has not been passed on to you (our loyal readers) and we believe that you deserve more.
So there will not be a part 11 or a part 12 and the parts currently available on this site will be removed at 08:00 (GMT) on 11th October 2012. We hope that you wont forget us and will keep us in the back of your mind and bring us back out when our story has been told.
If you have any feedback about the story so far, or would like to be alerted when its finished then please leave a comment.
I leave you with these words from a certain 75 year old...
This is an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for anyone currently reading the short story 'Police Station'.
You see something has happened. Something serious. A decision has been made to use this story as the inspiration for a novel. A novel that will be written during the month of November as part of NaNoWriMo.
It wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. I have discussed it at length with my characters and we have decided that we have a bigger story to be told. We have loved sharing with you the story so far, but so much has not been passed on to you (our loyal readers) and we believe that you deserve more.
So there will not be a part 11 or a part 12 and the parts currently available on this site will be removed at 08:00 (GMT) on 11th October 2012. We hope that you wont forget us and will keep us in the back of your mind and bring us back out when our story has been told.
If you have any feedback about the story so far, or would like to be alerted when its finished then please leave a comment.
I leave you with these words from a certain 75 year old...
"If you would indulge me for a moment. I need to start this story from the very beginning."
9 Oct 2012
Music Review: The Eleventh Hour Initiative
Where to begin? Again I have left it a while before writing another review, mainly due to writing more fiction, but I haven’t been listening to any
less music.
The observant amongst you may have noticed on the Music Review page there is a line that says:
The Eleventh Hour Initiative (TEHI) band are made up of two members: Emrys
Hughes & Bill Ryan. If you have read their blog, seen any of their
interviews or even follow them on Twitter/Facebook you will know that they have
never met in the flesh. All their interaction has been of the ‘virtual’ variety.
Here’s a snippet from their blog:
"We had so much in common that we just had to make our combined
voice heard. The special factor is that despite all we have in common there are
also those differences that give our music the edge. There are things that he
does that I would never dream of doing and vice versa. We are not just two
artists in collaboration. We are a band. We have a group spirit. We are not just
two people working together. We have a collective ambition that drives us
forward and inspires us to produce the very best music that we possibly
If you want to know more about the band, their viewpoint on each track on the album, Phillip K. Dick or mint choc ice cream then check out their blog.
I guess I get the advantage of showcasing some of my favourites
(yep, back to me again!) from the album.
I have listened to the album a fair few times and it was probably on the
third listen, from beginning to end, that it really clicked for me. It was early on Saturday morning, when I decided to take notes whilst listening, that I felt that 'whole album feel' that they were determined to produce. I am a bit
dense so some of you may/may have felt that on the first listen. But for me, one
listen of an album is never enough to hear everything or appreciate it all. Its
like a really good movie, that with every viewing you appreciate it more and notice more things that you hadn't that first time. The third track on the album called 'Escape Plan' reminded me of a movie soundtrack:
and prompted me to ask them...
Emrys: Hmmmm... it's a toss up between "Citizen Kane" and "Zoolander".
Bill: ''Zoolander''? haha I'd say Steven Spielberg's 'E.T.' in that it has a sort of coming of age theme mixed with some sci-fi/strange elements. No songs about Reeses Pieces though! In all seriousness, this is a tough one. I'm a big Joseph Campbell fan. He studied the works of psychologist Carl Jung and wrote many books including 'The Hero With a Thousand Faces'. Essentially he tried taking all of the worlds stories and religions and distilling them to their core. He asked, 'What do all of these stories have in common?' "What elements make them resonate so much with so many people?" I could write a small novel on his work, but it did inspire me a great deal to try and take my own experiences and 'melt them down' so to speak and find what might be universal in those experiences. So what I'm saying is I see 'Escapism' as a sort of coming of age tale with many of the same elements of movies that explore similar themes. I know that's probably not specific enough so….ummmm….E.T.!
Now I should share with you my nickname for this band, it came about when I first listened to them, the very first listen – and all I could think was that these guys are:
So with me unable to choose an intro, I asked the guys...
But it did get me thinking about what seeing them perform live would be like, and so I ventured to ask them...
Now Emrys says in a post:
...which is good to know because it shows their mentality and outlook at the time that the album was being made and you want them to strive for that. I have listened to some of the work in progress since 'Escapism' and I think there are still better things to come, and I hope he doesn't mind me saying that.
The philosophy behind the album is expressed on their blog posts that I keep mentioning. For me, with every listen of the album I have enjoyed it more and realising that I could relate to some of the thoughts that Bill had at the time of writing the lyrics has meant that as a listener I get more from it. Whats amazing about music is that it is tuned into your emotions, whether you are the composer or the listener and a favourite and the final track on the album with a tender performance by Emrys is 'When the start begins':
Emrys: I'm having a hard time deciding between Shakira, Kylie, Britney, Debbie Harry or Stevie Nicks in their prime... Hmmmm, which one would 'sound' best? Pass me that bucket of ice-water! I'm gonna go with Eric Burdon.
Bill: John Lennon, and if I had to pick a living artist it would be a toss up between Damon Albarn and Natasha Khan from Bats for Lashes.
And I always ask this question...
If you have any music recommendations or suggestions of who should be next on my review list feel free to email me!
Well, after reading a fair few tweets by my Twuddy* @CrustyToon about a certain band
called ‘The Eleventh Hour Initiative’ I decided that I would check them out and
see what he was making all the fuss for and then he suggested I jump on the bandwagon ('scuse the pun!) and write a review of their latest Album 'Escapism'. So having had no other suggestions, how could I say no?
Now, if any of you have been reading all of these reviews or have read the very first one about Amida then you may well remember I listed a step-by-step method that I was going to use when writing a review. For the most part that is what I have done but these guys have been subjected to a shake up in my method! This time around I had started writing the review before finishing the research! Scandalous isn't it?
Something else also happened that doesn't normally...someone asked me about the band, yes, normally I am locked away and avoid people and distractions whilst writing, on this occasion I ventured outside only to be asked:
- What are you writing about?
- What are they like?
‘old-school-indie-rock-with-layers-&-light-raspy-vocals-&-melody-that-connects-each-song-regardless-of-tempo-or style’
...and I am sticking to that description. When I looked at their band site I may have squealed a little with glee at the fact that they had a blog. I love to have an insight into the people in the band and this definitely did that. It also discussed the themes in the album track by track. You definitely need to read this! Definitely.
Anyway, this review has proved to be really quite difficult to do, its not a case of not enough information but a case of what can I say that's different. They have
already had some great reviews, TV and radio interviews and of course the wealth of
information on their blog. So I am sticking with what I know and that's my opinion! :P So...drum roll please....
![]() |
Courtesy of TEHI |
'Escape Plan'
If 'Escapism' was a movie, which would it be?
‘the kings of the intro!’
Don’t let that fool you though, the whole tracks are good. But I found that as each one started I was drawn in and eagerly listening. Its like when you here the intro to a favourite song, and you instantly recognise it and get excited that any moment now the lyrics will kick in and off you go - they definitely are masters of the build up. I couldn't choose my favourite TEHI intro but one of my favourite tracks is 'Try and get some sleep'.
'Try and get some sleep'
What do you think is the best intro on the album?
Emrys: Well, "Escapism" is an album full of great intros... but I would probably go with "Chasing Chaos". It is a song that can catch people off guard and make them spill their tea! (I'm also putting forward "From Shipwreck to Shore" for the great way I say 1,2,3,4)
Bill: It's hard to choose, but I'd go with the intro for 'The Calm and the Storm.' We wanted to make it sound like it how it feels right before a thunder storm hits.(all that kinetic energy in the air) That one still gives me chills when I listen to it, and the ending of the song is still a favorite of mine as well.
When I listened to the album, I favourited some of the tracks on that first listen, one of which was 'Mean Machines'. Something about it reminded me of the 90's. I do think that this would be a tricky track to perform live, have a listen:
'Mean Machines'
It's been a couple of years and you are yet to meet or play at an event together, do you think it is something that is still a long way off happening or just around the corner?
Emrys: I think the beauty of TEHI is the fact that it HAS to be about the music. The Beatles decided at a certain point in their career that they were going to devote themselves to the studio... and from that point on they made some of the most wonderful, innovative music of all time. As TEHI, Bill and I skipped the rehearsal rooms and the touring. We sidestepped the support band slots and the hours of loading equipment into vans. We formed this band and immediately set about creating our Sgt Pepper. And more importantly, I've been trying to cultivate a walrus moustache (unsuccessfully!). There is no need for us to rush to play live. We are accomplishing everything we set out to right here from our (well separated) arm chairs!
Bill: I agree with Emrys here, except I'm not trying to grow a mustache! Though we are experimenting with recording songs live over the internet, right now all of our focus is on album two. I don't think it's out of the question for us to do something live after we're finished this album, but both of us are pretty satisfied just making these songs. I'm really proud of how 'Escapism' turned out and I think this next album will be yet another big step for us. While it would be awesome to be able to pull off a huge stage show showcasing these songs, right now hearing them all take shape is enough to keep us both happy.
When I keep listening to an album it is inevitable that I will at some point spontaneously start la-la-ing the tune or da-de-da-dumming. What I never know is which song its going to be! Then the other morning I woke up with 'Pitfall' in my head. Its the shortest track on the album and had found a space in my mind.
As it was a song that had remained in my brain, I asked...
The government decides to make a time capsule and chooses TEHI to contribute one track from 'Escapism' to it, which do you choose and why?
Emrys: I'm putting forward "Escape Plan" as it defines the album. I would have to dress the song up a bit though - perhaps wrap it in a long scarf, give it a screwdriver and insert it inside a metal dog. Time 'capsule'? ahhh... I see, that's different to a time 'machine' then?
Bill: I agree with Emrys here. I can't pick a favorite song on the album, but 'Escape Plan' is like a microcosm of the themes we explore on 'Escapism'. How do you balance the reality of every day life and your dreams of who and where/what you really want to be? I think it's one of those positions that many of us silently struggle with. Like Emrys said, if we could get scarves, a metal dog, and a time machine that would be really great as well!
"For we have dedicated ourselves to making this “collection of songs” the very best set of songs that we can possibly achieve."
If music has to die though, where would that leave the rest of my interview questions? Music is everywhere!
TEHI have agreed to be on a TV show as the band playing at some event, what TV show is it?
Emrys: I'd like to be the 'house-band' in a remake of "The Crystal Maze". A shout of "Will you start the fans please"... TEHI start playing... counting down those 5 second crystals... and... end. Majestic.
Bill: I'd like to be the Tartus House Band on Dr Who.
As a two person all male band, I wondered if they had ever written any song that would be enhanced by a featured artist. I tried to think of who myself but in the end reverted to the experts...
On your next album, one of you suggests a feature artist sing on it (you can fight it out as to who came up with this idea), who do you agree it has to be (can be dead or alive)?
You are on BBC Radio Live Lounge, what track do you cover?
Emrys: That's a sneaky way of asking "What is your favourite song?". I think TEHI should cover a-ha's "The Sun Always Shines on TV".
Bill: My favorite song changes depending on what day you ask me. At the moment I've been listening to a lot of older Soundgarden so I'd have to go with 'Just Like Suicide' from their album Superunknown.
And something that you will all want to know now you have heard them...
What are TEHI plans for the next 12 months?
Emrys: We are currently writing and recording our second album. This album is going to be an absolute beast!!!
Bill: Yep, the next album will be a bear to finish, but it's worth it! I can't wait to finish it and unleash it on the world!
What else can I say, have a listen, comment below and tell me what you think of the band, check out their blog (I may have mentioned this!), follow them on Twitter and buy the album!
8 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: Occupied
She knew that she shouldn't have had cheese so close to bed time, and waking up with stomach cramps had been a stark reminder of her intolerance to dairy, and here she was only 5 minutes at work and in the loo.
What she hated most was the waiting, she could stay at her desk but would she make it in time, and she was slowly becoming one with the toilet seat. Sat there she could here people coming in an out of the loo and wondered if anyone had noticed the length of time that she had been away from her desk. She had chosen the disabled cubicle because it was at the far end of the bathroom and was always cleaner than the others. She was about to wipe and go when she heard some women come rushing into the loos. She recognised the voices as they spoke in hushed whispers and knew it would be too awkward to leave now. She would just have to sit tight, as it were, until they left.
‘Oh my god! Lisa! When did this happen? Tell me everything!’
‘It wasn't planned, Sarah. There isn't anything to tell really.’
‘Are you happy?’
‘Yes, ecstatic. I never thought it would happen. I had pretty much resigned myself to never having children.’ ‘I am happy for you, how did you meet him?’
‘Laura in IT introduced him to me at a work thing’
Hang on a minute she thought, I am Laura from IT, she smiled to herself. She loved matchmaking and to hear that one of her pairings had been successful made her grin from ear to ear. She was glad they weren't gossiping because she had been caught overhearing stuff before and it always made her uncomfortable. Still grinning from ear to ear she stepped out of the Loo. At that moment Lisa said ‘I know its her husband but he is just so perfect for me’
What she hated most was the waiting, she could stay at her desk but would she make it in time, and she was slowly becoming one with the toilet seat. Sat there she could here people coming in an out of the loo and wondered if anyone had noticed the length of time that she had been away from her desk. She had chosen the disabled cubicle because it was at the far end of the bathroom and was always cleaner than the others. She was about to wipe and go when she heard some women come rushing into the loos. She recognised the voices as they spoke in hushed whispers and knew it would be too awkward to leave now. She would just have to sit tight, as it were, until they left.
‘Oh my god! Lisa! When did this happen? Tell me everything!’
‘It wasn't planned, Sarah. There isn't anything to tell really.’
‘Are you happy?’
‘Yes, ecstatic. I never thought it would happen. I had pretty much resigned myself to never having children.’ ‘I am happy for you, how did you meet him?’
‘Laura in IT introduced him to me at a work thing’
Hang on a minute she thought, I am Laura from IT, she smiled to herself. She loved matchmaking and to hear that one of her pairings had been successful made her grin from ear to ear. She was glad they weren't gossiping because she had been caught overhearing stuff before and it always made her uncomfortable. Still grinning from ear to ear she stepped out of the Loo. At that moment Lisa said ‘I know its her husband but he is just so perfect for me’
5 Oct 2012
Write 4 Ten: Tackle
I missed yesterdays prompt of 'incomplete' and thus made this weeks Write 4 Ten prompts 'incomplete'. I am not sure that that counts. But here is today's, I will say that I do not mention the world tackle and to some this may not be clear but I can tell you what it means to me. It is about being a writer and about my experience as limited as it is. It is about tackling the everyday and although met with challenges and sent on an emotional roller coaster there is always an experience, a conversation, something that you might draw from when writing. Any feedback is truly appreciated.
A new day and fresh eyes are blurry
Energy in abundance and expelled at a pace
Embracing notes on the air
Eager to reach but not ready to race
The ideas wander maniacally
Resting on the usual suspects
What level of depth seems relevant?
To choose from each new prospect
Distracted by influence and intrigue
And thoughts bouncing through the mind
Opting for potential that’s underdeveloped
And avoiding the desire to rewind.
Clambering over obstacles and weaving past
the ever omnipotent cloud of change
finding ground that’s flat and hard
that’s different, secure and strange.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
Re-covering when its too much
The energy sapped from your being
Electricity on the surface crackles by touch
Devoid of emotion as it’s returned to
A holding cell of excitement
As visiting times are restricted
There are questions to invent
When emptiness encases like a cloak
With a hollow echo and a glazed look
A chance to see what’s on the horizon
To use as fodder for your book.
4 Oct 2012
Behind the Curtain Flash Fiction Contest
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Update: I never won any prize or was picked as anyone's favourite story. But I have learnt so much by entering this contest and I know I still have more to learn. There were some great writers and people were generous with their comments and i appreciate that so very much. No more contests for me but this one was fun! :)
With a deep and raspy sigh the old crooked man picked up hisstrings and made the puppets dance.
For nigh on 80 years from morn until night he had been doingthis, for the last 40 years he had been the puppet master, for as long as hecould remember this had been his life. His memory was fading as fast as hisfuture.
On waking he had felt a sharp stabbing pain in his chestthat had snatched his breath away. If he had an option to return to his sleepand his dreams he would have taken it in a heartbeat. Never one to reminisce onpast times he was surprised that his mind wondered to that day when he hadarrived at this place. He had been a small boy with an ashen complexion,spindly arms and legs with a protruding belly from malnutrition, and brightblue eyes that shone out from under a dishevelled fringe. It was those brightblue eyes that had decided his fate on that day. Would he be a puppet or a master? The mistress had looked himover, closely examining his face, as she reached his eyes she tutted and aspatter of spit fell upon his young skin making him recoil, and when shebreathed on him the stench was almost enough to cause him to fall back. Turningto the puppet master she had screwed up her face, pursed her lips and snarled ‘theeyes, the eyes will distract the crowd from the story….be rid of him, be rid ofhim this instant’. But the puppet master had pleaded with the woman that theyneeded an heir and he was as good as any. As good as any.
He had longed for the day when he would join the stars andreturn to his mothers bosom, no more hollowing, stringing, or varnishing of thepuppets. No more.
And with a deep and raspy sigh the old crooked man picked uphis strings and made the puppets dance.
And here are the details and be sure to check out the other entries.
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