7 Mar 2016

Day 7 March Madness


So before Christmas I joined the Christmas ornament stitch a long and was doing really well until...dum dum dum..,it was time to stitch in white! 

Saying that I do like these ornaments!

Today was the snowman one and here is where I got...

And here are his friends waiting for him! 

Tomorrow will be crazy as I have a lot of work at work and then have to come home and pack as I'm off to Tenerife on Wednesday :) I need sunshine! I will be packing some projects and hope to get my A to Z challenge posts all done poolside. 

I hope your week is off to a good start! 


  1. How many are you working on? This one, the Eiffel Tower, the exotic hotty, Noah's Ark. Any others?

    1. I had planned to work on a different one for each day of march and so far I have stitched on 7, my dilemma lies in knowing whether i take one on holiday with me or seven!

  2. Your snowman has such a cheery face - just like his friends.

    Enjoy your sunshine, lucky lady.

  3. Good luck with this one and enjoy your holiday!

  4. I keep saying one of these days I'm going to do ornaments, but then I remember that I hate X-mas and I haven't put up a tree in 20 years! But I love seeing yours!

    1. Hehe...never say never! You could hang a single ornament from a door handle? I have an ornament stitch today (Day 20).

    2. Well, I have Disney ornaments out 24/7, but they are more "Disney" than "Christmas" to me.


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