15 Jan 2013


Good Morning,
Just a quick post for those who have somehow missed all the news bulletins regarding the new addition to The Suddenly Kate Show. I was tired of running this show alone and needed company…then along came Muse.


She is a she and is 8 weeks old almost 9 weeks, she has lived with me for four days but it seems like longer, she loves to play and is a very sociable kitten. The nieces have been around and played with her and made a lot of noise and she was very good with them and fit in perfectly. It seems she was destined to be with our family as she loves the camera and a cuddle.  Getting to know her has been fun so far and some of her personality is starting to show. For example; she keeps climbing on things she shouldn’t and when they fall down she runs straight back to me and starts purring and being all cute and cuddly.

Well, she is officially this blogs cat and you needn’t even worry if you have cat allergy’s!

I hope you all had a great weekend…I’m off to write Part 4 of Girls Best Friend, listen to some My Little Brother (next band to be reviewed), watch episode 2 of Black Books series 1 and catch up on blogs.

Bye for now!
Kate x


  1. aww she is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee
    have a lovely day deary x

    1. Thanks cucki! You have a great day too x

  2. Muse displays more human expressions than many people I know!...I do hope she won't see that remark as an insult!...*hugs*..<<that was for Muse...no offence Kate...;)

    1. hahaha...she is not offended, at least I dont think so..she just started licking her...lol! I'm deeply offended but glad not to be crushed and scratched by your tender squeeze. ;)

  3. Aww, cute kitty. Congratulations on your new family member!

    1. Thanks - she is even more adorable than this pic - but i didnt want you to use up all your awwwwws in one day :)

  4. Aw, so cute. I've never had a kitten - our cat is a rescue and was about 2 when we got him.

    1. Kittens are hilarious, cute and fun! But they are nice once they are cats too :)

  5. Siren, erm Muse is adorable. And we finally get some class around here! heheh, jk Katy. You know I love you AND your blog. Muah!

    1. the cheek of it! and . I don't care if it's true it's still cheeky! hehehe thanks hap.

  6. Kate,

    Muse is so cute. Cats have a personality all their own and no two are alike. My two cats love to be chased around the house.

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. they most definitely do. your cat's must keep you very fit :D

  7. Such a cute kitty! Glad she's bringing you some happiness and I hope that continues. :)

  8. Awww she is so cute! We have had our Kitten Sheldon since the end of September and I just couldn't imagine life without him now...even if he does slow my stitching down!

    1. lol! Yes, you have to train them young not to grab it. Its hard to imagine a time when they werent there, they are a real member of the family. Sheldon? nothing to do with The Big Bang Theory?


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