14 Apr 2012

M is for...

Why this job?

Quite frankly, who doesnt want this job? If this is your job then I bow down to your greatness. 

Why I would be good at this job.

I love to watch films, love love love it. I will watch almost all genres except Horror. I love to watch the same actor in a variety of roles. I never get bored. I don't mind repeats.

Why I wouldn't be good at this job.

I love to be entertained, so acting doesnt need to be life changing, storyline doesnt need to make me think and comedy doesnt have to be side splitting. So I could have a lot of controversial ratings. 

Do you think your opinions of movies are completely independent or do you sometimes find yourself rating a film better if you really enjoyed another film by the same director or with the same actors? Who is your favourite 'unexplained' actor? For example, I love Adam Sandler and I cant explain why, I don't find him all that funny, his voice is monotone and he isn't exactly  a pretty boy - but if he is in the film I will watch it.

please note:
 I am currently AWOL exploring a little city in the small country referred to as North America. New York beware! I will be back to catch up on April 18th.


  1. When I watch a film which is usually on TV I like to make my own mind up whether I like it or not. Not everyone like the same things.


  2. A critic's rating might steer me to seeing a film, but in the end I make up my own mind if I like it or not.

  3. I dunno, I think I would make a rotten movie critic. Somehow, rating a movie is way down on my list of things to do. My taste in movies does not run to horror, r-rated, x-rated, teenie boppers, and a great many others. I could rate mystery movies, maybe some love stories, but that is about it. :)
    Good post. Best regards to you. Ruby

  4. I love watching movies, and of all kinds too. I think I would be a very good critic because I am able to judge a movie overall on how it left me feeling after watching it. If I feel exremely good or extremely bad or extremely angry after watching it, it was a good movie. If I felt indifferent, it was not a good movie. My fave unexplained actor is definately John Travolta, I absolutely love him as a bad guy. Think Sword Fish, Broken Arrow, Pulp Fiction, The Punisher, Face Off. Too me he just does Bad so good. but as a good guy, I don't like him all that much. Weird.

  5. I never watch amovie based on critic. Usually I make up my mind once I watch it. some are overrated, some underrated. You are right about Adam Sandler. I'd watch a movie if he is in it, There is somethign about his movies...

  6. I've always disagreed with critics, but I wouldn't mind the opportunity to give it a go!

  7. Some critics might influence my choice but normally it's the trailers that hook me in.

  8. Most movies are made in order to make money, makes sense to me. If a movie entertains those watching, then they will encourage their friends to watch it too, more viewers, more money. People only take note of critics if they are unable to decide for themselves what movie to go see.
    Making movies is hard work, no doubt about it, but in the end as long as those involved earn a living from it then that is good.
    Huge marketing campaigns will draw more viewers, that much is true, but that doesn't mean it's a good movie, but people decide for themselves whether they enjoyed it or not.
    A movie critic isn't paid by the people watching the movie, but by the newspaper they are employed by, to give the editor something to put in print. Newspapers need to have something for their readers to read or their paper won't sell. Once again it all boils down to making money.
    It's just another job. (Oh, by the way, I have been working in the movie industry for more than 25 years now.)

  9. I never really go by what the critics say and like to form my own opinion. I have been known to watch a film more than once, you can often see many things that you missed the first time - dislike horror - I scream and hide behind my hands! Amanda

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  10. Hi All,

    thanks for stopping by :)

    Jaye: I think thats the best thing to do, I do sometimes check out reviews after watching a film to see what was said and if I agree and maybe if I missed anything.

    Ruby: I have often wondered if critice watch all genre's or are allowed to 'specialise' as it were. Now youve got me thinking!

    Geoff: I agree - I think movie reviews are for on the fence people, although I do check to see a films ratings before I go although it doesnt influence my decision to go. Wow! a mere 25 years! You must love your job. You are very lucky, I dont think I am any closer to knowing my burning desire..not so much of the burning going on, I think its yet to spark. I hope to one day talk of my 25 years in a job. Fingers crossed.

    Thank you all for your comments, if your name is not mentioned above then check your inbox! haha



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