13 Apr 2012

L is for...

Why this job?

I am drawn to this because I spend a lot of time fulfililng this role for my friends, I listen to them, guide them, help them ask themselves questions of themselves and untimately help them identify the next steps they need to take in order to achieve an ambition.  They in turn provide me with this service, so win-win.

Why I would be good at this job.

Someone to listen, to be objective, to be supportive and present you with options, goals and positivity.

Why I wouldn't be good at this job.

I myself think that a life coach is expected to live a dream existence, a life trimmed in gold with nothing but joyous occasion after joyous occasion. And this is where my downfall lies, I dont have a dream job, or a successful career and my life isnt all neat and tidy and organised to within an inch of itself. But other than that....haha!

Are you a life coach? Do you enjoy it? Have you ever had a really negative client who made it almost impossible for you to help?

please note:
 I am currently AWOL exploring a little city in the small country referred to as North America. New York beware! I will be back to catch up on April 18th.


  1. i think i would make a great life coach---now don't ask my kids ;)

  2. I'm not a life coach, but I can see how the prospect of helping others achieve their goals can be a fulfilling job to have.

  3. I read some very good self help books over the years and they made a once negative person into a positive, goal achieving person.


  4. I don't know if I could be a life couch, I tend to whack people in the head when there's too much nonsense being said... and for that reason I really appreciate how hard it is as a job. My hat's off to them!

    From Diary of a Writer in Progress

  5. I would totally be horrible at this! But that's what I got you for!

  6. Hi Girlies! lol!
    i can say that seeing as all the comments are buy women! What does that say? that we like to be more in control of our lives or that we like to help others?

    Lynn: Haha! They'll realise the truth once they hit their twenties :)

    Cynthia: Thats a big part of why I would enjoy it, I like to help people to fulfill their potential and to realise that there are more than one way to do things and to achieve what they want from life.

    Yvonne: I am glad to hear it, I love self-help books, some are simply reiterating things that you already know and others highlight things that you had never considered before. I think the best thing they do is help us all to reflect and realise are strengths.

    Gina: lol! Yes, I have a tendency to be very matter of fact (putting it mildly) but for some reason I can be pretty patient when people are talking about their aspirations.

    Keebs: Ha! yes, you do! Sort of. Although your life is pretty sorted.

    Thank you all for commenting, it has been great to come home and see these little messages. I am now very smiley.


I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Spill the beans...

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