25 Mar 2012

My week with William

I am predicting the future these days.

Last week, I purchased a few new cross stitch books (about 5/6) in my quest for new ideas and I spotted a design that instantly made me rush to my stash and pull out a piece of bay leaf, 16ct aida, 12" x 20". I then sorted out the threads and I had most of them, but the ones I didn't have I have chosen replacements for. I started on it but decided that 2 over 1 wasn't going to provide enough coverage...so I tried 4 over 1, still not good enough and unlikely to produce the effect that I wanted.In the end I decided on a 6 over 1. I eventually, after unpicking all the test stitches, started on it. I am pleased so far and hoping that it wont take me too long to stitch.

Oh! What? Did I not mention what it was? Silly me, doh!

It is a bell pull design by William Morris. If you like his designs you will understand why I needed the coverage, his patterns always look better fuller and carpet-esque!

The books I got were;
Cross Stitch Designs from India 
Carol Phillipson
Cross Stitch Teddies
Joan Elliott
Cross Stitch Sentiments & Sayings (Cross Stitch (David & Charles)) Joan Elliott
The Art of William Morris in Cross Stitch Barbara Hammet
Cross Stitch Splendid Florals Marc Saastad
All Yesterday X Stitch Coll p/b Faye Whittaker

    I am taking part in a blogging challenge. It is the A to Z Challenge and starts on 1st April until 30th April. You can follow my progress here. I would love for you to follow me :D If any of you are interested or are involved (let me know).


    1. 6 over 1 on 16 count? That's a carpet alright :-)  William Morris designs are cool though and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress pictures. Good luck with the A to Z challenge! I checked out their link and will be looking forward to your posts on that too. Hopefully your New York trip will offer inspiration on those days if you don't already something planned.

    2. I have such a love/hate relationship with Amazon UK!  I spend an absolute fortune on TV shows and I look at all kinds of other things, but unless it's sold directly from Amazon, they won't let me buy it and ship to the States!  I did check out those cross stitch books though!  Pretty cool!!!

    3. Sure I will follow you! I'm signing up for this challenge also. Congrats on the lovely choice of books.

    4. Thank you, I hope I manage to stitch something from each of them.

    5. Its is a carpet! hahaha Its been slow but I hope to put more time in, especially over the bank holiday weekend. 4 days of nothing but stitching! yay :)

      Only two weeks till NYC! I must calm down, lol.

    6. 6 over 1.... youch!!! No pics? ;)


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