29 Mar 2012


Morning everyone :D

I hope I didn't make you jump?

I seem to be very jumpy today!

Firstly, I was walking out of the office (I start quite early) and the corridor outside the door had the lights off. The door is automatic and as it swung open, a lovely lady was there who I work with and she said "Hello", I don't know what planet I was on but I screamed and nearly jumped out of my skin, in reaction to my scream she started screaming! pmsl

Secondly, I was working away on my computer when a guy I work with stopped by my desk on his way in, he said "Morning" and  I looked at him and screamed and nearly jumped out of my skin! He just stood there looking completely shocked. He only wanted to ask if I was feeling better! rofl

Suffice to say, I now have the giggles and cant stop sniggering to myself! hahaha

I guess I just need one more scream to round off the 'everything happens in threes's philosophy' and I am sorted.


  1. I am the worlds worst about jumping so I totally feel you!  People always tell me its the sign of a guilty conscience, but I don't necessarily think I have one, I think it's because I'm in my head too much and don't notice the mundane around me!  So what are you guilty about today...hmmm?

    But I am so laughing at you scaring the other lady because I almost killed one of our older doctors doing the exact same thing!  I scared him so badly I thought we were going to have to call the ambulance!!  Ahh...memories!

  2. I don't know why I was so jumpy. Much better today so the guilt must have officially left the building!

  3. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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