24 Feb 2012

Suddenly Seeking Blogs

In October I started a blog (see link to the right for Momuboocrea Island). The purpose of which was to share the things that I had made and also to learn new crafty skills and to find inspiration in other peoples work. It's focus is on things that I have stitched or knitted and it doesn't cover anything else. I don't plan posts or put any great effort into writing them as they tend to consist of photographs of what I have made.

Then in December I stumbled upon a blog via Wordpress called Reasonably Ludicrous. It is quite funny and lighthearted and I look forward to my weekly dose. I have also recently come across some blogs at random, and the posts are so genuine and brutally honest that I cant help but follow them to find out whats next for them.

Now, I am searching for blogs that inspire me, entertain me and educate me and how better to do it than by joining a blogging challenge and checking out the other bloggers involved (over 600!!). I could have just spied on them but that felt somehow deceitful and so I have decided to join the challenge. I have always wanted to improve my writing and what better way.  The big tip is to plan ahead! So with that in mind, I better get a move on...The A-Z of .....??


Oh dear! I have just looked at the first 10 links and am already completely intimidated...ok, I can do this..just breathe and come up with something to blog about, how hard can it be, right? Oh, hang on - I know the answer to this, I saw it on a blog..yep, I remember...very hard. :)


  1. You're really just at the beginning of your blog life. Makes me sound wise, doesn't it? I've only been blogging for three years and to begin with I thought I was talking to myself - something I do much of the time anyway;-)
    I'm sure you'll enjoy the A-Z challenge:-) Good luck!

    1. I am happy to be the recipient of imparted wisdom :) Thank you and I hope to enjoy it, I am quite keen to see what people choose to blog about.

  2. Hi Kate! Don't worry. You are not alone. I consider myself a novice blogger even though I've had it for a while. I actually just started keeping up with it more this year and thought the challenge would be a great way to stay involved. :) Best of luck to you! :)

    1. Thank you. Blogging about stitching has led me to achieve more finishes and hopepfully this will help me to improve my blogging skills.


I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Spill the beans...

Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

So I have been keeping notes on all my challenges and updating as and when something happens to move towards that goal, this is the notes fo...