The Pasty Tour

Throughout March, I am **ON TOUR** and shall be visiting a few blogs and doing interviews, as well as video Q&A's and audio podcast updates. Why not follow the blog so that you don't miss anything?

There is also a grand giveaway with prizes provided by me, tour hosts and more! Don't miss out and get yourself entered. Follow the link below or leave a comment to say you want to be included. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the tour.

If you want to hear the tour roundup podcasts by me then follow the links below:

Intro/Outro music provided by @CyVarium  or check out his website.


  1. Hi, my friend Nina (Topcho) told me about your blog and book and i thought that this is very interesting and new for me, so thanks for the Pasty tour. Please enter me in your giveaway and good luck with your writing!

    1. Thank you and welcome! I shall enter you into the giveaway.


I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Spill the beans...

Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

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