12 Jan 2016

Top 10 Misheard song lyrics

Top 10 Misheard song lyrics was suggested by Tiff and Keebs and I expect that their posts today will be much better than mine.

I don't know of many songs so my list is made up of a combination and one of which is my misheard lyric.

So let us begin....numbers 1-4 were taken from a website that is dedicated to misheard lyrics called KissThisGuy.com.

1. Sir Mix-a-lot: Baby Got Back

"I like big butts in a can of limes"

2. Robert Palmer: Addicted to Love

"Might as well face it your'e a dick with a glove"

3. Abba: Dancing Queen

"See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen"

4. One Republic: Apologize

"Its too late to order fries"

Next up is my misheard lyrics...

5. Foster the People: Pumped Up Kicks

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

this is what I heard...

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my dog.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my puppy."

If you read them you may think how is it possible that i heard this but please go and listen and let me know if you agree with me?

Next up is one for Keebs...

6. Take That: Patience

I heard ..."My hardest lump has no feeling.." and I challenge Keebs to let us know what the words should be without googling! lol

Next up was supposed to be for Tiff...

7. Meghan Trainor: Title

I tried to find some misheard lyrics for Meghan Trainor and I even listened to her album but seriously that girl can enunciate! 

Next up was a song my niece misheard and I think she did so because she was watching the video...

8. Frozen: Let It Go

There is a part where she sings..."the cold never bothered me anyway" but as she does this she flings off her cape and my niece firmly believed that the lyrics were "the coat never bothered me anyway"...

Next up my friend's misheard lyrics...

9. Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody

"Beezlebub has a Breville on her sideboard"
A Breville being a brand of electrical appliance so that makes some sense.

And finally...a colleague suggested these misheard lyrics...

10. Blur: Song 2

"I had a sex change, only yesterday, it wasn't easy but nothing is"


  1. I didn't google, but I did have to listen to the song again because I wasn't sure what line you were confusing! Did you mean, "my heart is numb, has no feeling, so while I'm still healing"?

  2. Now I'm in a Take That mood...thanks!

  3. Nice list! I couldn't think of too many of my own, I should have asked DH, I'm sure he could have named off a lot that I've sang incorrectly over the years.

    1. Hahahahahahahaha...I now have images of you singing random lyrics as you wonder round the house, with your other half frowning and shaking his head in disbelief! Lol

  4. Interesting mix of songs - and mix ups!


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