8 Dec 2015

Ladies and gentleman....I give to you...my 500th post!!! (Top 10 #15)


It is true. Here it is. My 500tth post in just over four years.I am not sure what I should write.

Should it be meaningful, profound, moving, or just plain fun?

The answer I thought was for me to bore you half to death with my blog stats, or write a mammoth list of 500 thoughts that I may be having at any one time. In the end after minutes of self-reflection and internal anguish I decided...

"Oh bugger it! I'll just write todays Top 10!"

So...here it is...

Top 10 Favourite films to watch at Christmas

I. as you know, love me a bit of Christmas, Xmas, Crimbo, Yuletide etc. and I am that person who (if they thought they could get away with it) would spend entire days throughout December watching the Christmas Movie Channel. Yes, not just big budget but low rent dodgy TV movies suck me in too.

Below are some picture clues to just a few films that I will be watching this December...some are lilnked to childhood memories and may not necessarily be Christmas themed, others I adore for there innocent joy and the others...well, who doesn't love a good giggle under the mistletoe.

Top 10


  1. Great list! I forgot About A Boy could be a Christmas movie and Love Actually too. And although I like Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang I can't watch it often. The younger sister's death is too horrible.

    1. I think i might just watch these this year as I havent seen them in ages!

  2. OMG! CONGRATS! Half of those movies I never thought of as Christmas...I'm bad about ignoring things I don't like. And since Tiff mentioned it, I do adore Love Actually but I still don't think of it as a Christmas movie.

    1. Haha, I loved that you still mentioned ten films in your post about how you couldn't think of ten...hehhe...

  3. Congratulations on #500! Interesting mix of movies.


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