Ryan sighed as he dragged himself out of bed. They had returned late
last night from the Food Bank and lugging about all that food had been
more exercise than he had done in a while. But he had an early start
with the dog training club and Amber must have known because she was
already at his side, eyeing him with those big brown peepers of hers and
threatening to pounce unless he moved sharpish.
Ryan was grateful that the rain had stayed away but the wind was blowing like nobody's business. The session began as usual with them running around the field to warm up. The sound of moccasins squelching in the mud made Ryan smile as he imagined some of them losing their shoes. He stifled a giggle,
"Ryan, Ryan. Please stop!"
Ryan's smile vanished and he stood stock still looking at the instructor, surely she couldnt tell him when he could and couldnt smile?
"Everyone has stopped but you are still loping about. You said you were taking this class seriously. Is it the dog who is disobedient or you Ryan."
Ryan felt affronted by her comments, she seemed to like calling him out and making him look a fool, Sarah said he was being paranoid but he was sure of it.
"I'm listening."
"Ok, everyone, we will run through our routine now. You all know the order. So lets start shall we. Once we do this a couple of times we can have a five minute rest."
"Blinkin' 'eck! Some of us are about to 'ave 'eart attacks and she says we only get 5 minutes rest" groaned Thomas.
Some of the ladies giggled, but they all began the exercise, Ryan was pleased with Amber as she seemed to know exactly what she had to do and she did listen to his commands. He felt guilty that he had even brought her to the class as she didnt seem to need it.
Finally, the break came and Ryan was glad of it. As he sat on the bench chatting to Thomas, as much as he could through the gale force wind that seemed to carry their voices far away, some of the older ladies came over to them. Ryan was slightly worried that a couple of them might get blown away but as if by magic the wind ceased and it was calm at last.
He looked at the first lady expecting her to speak but instead it was Thomas.
"Ryan, I was telling these lovely ladies about you being a new dad, I hope you dont mind?"
"Of course not, I've been telling everyone I meet!"
"Well, I told the ladies about your worries and well they have something for you" and with that the ladies handed Ryan several bags.
He was stunned, what could they possibly have given him, as he peered into the first bag the smell of lavendar floated up to his nostrils and reminded him of his late grandmother. He pulled out the first item, a hand knitted pure white cardigan, and it dawned on him that these ladies had knitted him some clothes for his baby. As he went through each one he became more emotional as he knew each item was made with such kindness and he felt a blush rise up his neck.
"Thank you ladies, I dont know what to say, really I dont. They are beautiful. Stunning. You really didnt have to."
"Don't worry about it Ryan, we get a lot of pleasure from it and to give to someone so deserving and as well-mannered as you"
"Thank you"
The ladies left the bench with huge smiles plastered across their faces, feeling very proud of their work and pleased that he was so grateful.
They heard the distinct screech of the trainers whistle and stood as if to attention, Ryan helped Thomas to stand, "Back onto the the breach dear friend?" and they both sniggered.
"Hey, Ryan, are you going to put these bags in your car? They might get blown away."
"They'll be ok, we only have half an hour left of the session and the wind has eased off now."
The whistle shrilled again and they both hurried off towards the group.
Half an hour later, sweating and huffing, Ryan headed back to collect the bags from the bench. It was only as he got closer that he noticed some movement on the bench, a SQUIRREL!
Ryan legged it as fast as he could to scare it off and it ran but not without taking a couple of cardigans with him. Ryan was relieved that it was only the two and gathered up the bags and took them to the car.
As he was leaving the car park he saw one of the ladies waving at him, he waved back, and she began to shake her fist frantically as she screwed up her face, Ryan thought he could see her holding something white in her hand, but opted to wave back with more fervour, flash his headlights and toot his horn before he drove straight past them and home.
Ryan was grateful that the rain had stayed away but the wind was blowing like nobody's business. The session began as usual with them running around the field to warm up. The sound of moccasins squelching in the mud made Ryan smile as he imagined some of them losing their shoes. He stifled a giggle,
"Ryan, Ryan. Please stop!"
Ryan's smile vanished and he stood stock still looking at the instructor, surely she couldnt tell him when he could and couldnt smile?
"Everyone has stopped but you are still loping about. You said you were taking this class seriously. Is it the dog who is disobedient or you Ryan."
Ryan felt affronted by her comments, she seemed to like calling him out and making him look a fool, Sarah said he was being paranoid but he was sure of it.
"I'm listening."
"Ok, everyone, we will run through our routine now. You all know the order. So lets start shall we. Once we do this a couple of times we can have a five minute rest."
"Blinkin' 'eck! Some of us are about to 'ave 'eart attacks and she says we only get 5 minutes rest" groaned Thomas.
Some of the ladies giggled, but they all began the exercise, Ryan was pleased with Amber as she seemed to know exactly what she had to do and she did listen to his commands. He felt guilty that he had even brought her to the class as she didnt seem to need it.
Finally, the break came and Ryan was glad of it. As he sat on the bench chatting to Thomas, as much as he could through the gale force wind that seemed to carry their voices far away, some of the older ladies came over to them. Ryan was slightly worried that a couple of them might get blown away but as if by magic the wind ceased and it was calm at last.
He looked at the first lady expecting her to speak but instead it was Thomas.
"Ryan, I was telling these lovely ladies about you being a new dad, I hope you dont mind?"
"Of course not, I've been telling everyone I meet!"
"Well, I told the ladies about your worries and well they have something for you" and with that the ladies handed Ryan several bags.
He was stunned, what could they possibly have given him, as he peered into the first bag the smell of lavendar floated up to his nostrils and reminded him of his late grandmother. He pulled out the first item, a hand knitted pure white cardigan, and it dawned on him that these ladies had knitted him some clothes for his baby. As he went through each one he became more emotional as he knew each item was made with such kindness and he felt a blush rise up his neck.

"Don't worry about it Ryan, we get a lot of pleasure from it and to give to someone so deserving and as well-mannered as you"
"Thank you"
The ladies left the bench with huge smiles plastered across their faces, feeling very proud of their work and pleased that he was so grateful.
They heard the distinct screech of the trainers whistle and stood as if to attention, Ryan helped Thomas to stand, "Back onto the the breach dear friend?" and they both sniggered.
"Hey, Ryan, are you going to put these bags in your car? They might get blown away."
"They'll be ok, we only have half an hour left of the session and the wind has eased off now."
The whistle shrilled again and they both hurried off towards the group.
Half an hour later, sweating and huffing, Ryan headed back to collect the bags from the bench. It was only as he got closer that he noticed some movement on the bench, a SQUIRREL!
Ryan legged it as fast as he could to scare it off and it ran but not without taking a couple of cardigans with him. Ryan was relieved that it was only the two and gathered up the bags and took them to the car.
As he was leaving the car park he saw one of the ladies waving at him, he waved back, and she began to shake her fist frantically as she screwed up her face, Ryan thought he could see her holding something white in her hand, but opted to wave back with more fervour, flash his headlights and toot his horn before he drove straight past them and home.
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