To all those in the know...last weekend was International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (it is every third weekend of the month) and although I didnt stitch with a needle, I hooked.
This weekemd I worked on my current crochet WIP. I originally began this thinking I would do small squares and then join them but then decided to do one enormous square. It takes time and wool and I am about a third of the way done with it...and so here it is...
not the neatest of piles and I have yet to take a laid out photo or measure it but next time I will...here is the wool type I am using...
...and I have a few to get through and will possibly need more...
...and here is a picture of the crochet stitch up close...I have gone with something simple (in this case a reversal giant granny stitch square) as I have only recently learnt how to do it.
I hope you were productive and I am looking forward to seeing your updates :)
25 Jun 2013
21 Jun 2013
I've been at it again!
Charred with the ashes of forgotten dreams
Dreams of revenge and retribution combined
Combined to deliver an exacting punishment
Punishment that will never match the intensity
The intensity of the anguish and heartbreak
Heartbreak that will never heal, an infinite wound
Wound up so tight with joy and expectation of what
Of what will be, what could be, what may be, hope
Hope and dreams throbbing and charred.
Dreams of revenge and retribution combined
Combined to deliver an exacting punishment
Punishment that will never match the intensity
The intensity of the anguish and heartbreak
Heartbreak that will never heal, an infinite wound
Wound up so tight with joy and expectation of what
Of what will be, what could be, what may be, hope
Hope and dreams throbbing and charred.
19 Jun 2013
The story that got me nowhere...and fast! hehe ;)
How are you all?
I thought I would share with you my entry into a recent competition. It was to write a fantasy story in 500 words…I think…and seeing as the deadline has passed and the shortlist is out (and I’m not on it) I can share with you my tale.
I have plenty of reasons as to why it didn’t make the shortlist, for example, I saw the competition on Facebook and thought…’why not?’ and wrote it in about 30 minutes. I think this may be evident in the quality. But what I didn’t expect was to struggle with what could be considered Fantasy. I may have leaned too far to sci-fi but even that I am not sure of.
So without further waffling…I give you…
He was disgruntled. 272 years of unrelenting dedication to the Core and he had been dismissed without so much as a hadron collider. If truth be told, he was sure they would award him a time machine of his very own, only three scientists before him had received one and he expected to be next. Yet, with 3 dyas until his retirement they had sacked him. He would show them, they couldn’t mess with him, he was number 10011001001 and that meant something.
They allowed him 5 earth minutes to clear his desk. He trudged along and as he passed his colleagues he noticed the din of silence echoing around, all eyes were looking at him, he stood up straighter to show superiority but it made no difference. They knew he had been made the scapegoat for something and they were only glad it wasn’t them. It was a drawback to working with TheMenWithNoConscience, they had great minds but little backbone, figuratively and literally. They slumped about all spineless, slithering about in a sticky mess, and generally annoying him with their grace as they slid effortlessly about the laboratory.
But number 10011001001 had a plan, he would press the red button on his desk, the one that he was told to never press, he would show them. In his 272 years (nearly) of service he had never been tempted, but they had forced his hand, what other option did he have?
Number 96 had been asked to accompany him to his desk to keep him in line, but at his age his bladder was all but non-existent and he had to wee all the time. He reached his desk whilst Number 96 was still in the lavatory and removed the dust and cobwebs that clung to the button. Taking a huge, life-changing breath he slammed his fist onto it,nothing happened, he whacjed it again, still nothing, he began to cry at the pointlessness of his life and he slumped over his desk sobbing.
“What’s up with you good lookin’?” asked Number 96, and he looked up at the old codger. “I work so hard here and for what? For what?!” he cried.
“I don’t know about that! You’ve only been here 5 earth minutes; you’re a young ‘un, fresh spawn. If you are going to start panicking then I will have to send you back to the Shed” said Number 96 looking very severe.
Number 10011001001 sat upright and looked around at his desk, he stood up and looked at the laboratory. TheMenWithNoConscience were nowhere in sight. He looked at his desk and at the red button, pointing at it he asked “What’s that for?”
“Whatever you do good lookin’ NEVER EVER press that button!” said Number 96 and then wandered off towards the lavatory.
This time he thought, this time would be different. He was going to wreak havoc.
Anyone notice that I may have been in a silly mood that day? Feedback needed so that I don’t make the same mistakes next time! [Now if only I had my own reset button]
18 Jun 2013
My view review...Now you see me
I'm sort of back and I have decided to be extremely honest when conducting film reviews, and first up was a secret screening (as in we didnt know what it would be until it we were in our seats)and without further ado...
My view review…Now You See Me
A man whose face was hidden from the audience appeared to be recruiting magicians by giving them a Tarot card invitation. All those invited never questioned the invite but arrived at the location stated and only then when laying their eyes upon one another did they question their place in the magician hierarchy. Entering the room they are greeted with a magic trick that culminates in a virtual message.
Fast forward to one year later and the four solo magicians have now joined together as a team under the name ‘The Four Horsemen’ and are in Las Vegas
The four horsemen played by Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Jesse Eisenberg and Isla Fisher were at a glance an interesting combination.
Jesse and Isla’s characters are supposed to have feelings bubbling under the surface but their chemistry on screen indicated that they weren’t so much under the surface as in their shoes, a disappointing and unnecessary romantic link for her and Jesses characters. Woody flirting with Isla provided more chemistry.
Woody’s portrayal came across as effortless but not his or any of the other characters really had any depth, including the main character played by Mark Ruffalo.
Dave Franco (I love the Franco’s) was great, he really committed to being in the role but he was typecast. He, by far, had the best role as his characters actions were integral to the story. I wasn’t sold on the Jackie Chan style fight scene that was all sleeves and household items, but I could watch him all day :)
Morgan Freeman who played the money hungry character who revealed how the magic tricks were done was good but even he could not save this film.
Michael Caine was good, but his character started off being mixed up in the middle of the story and then all of a sudden forgotten. There were so many mismatches, loose ends and why bothers that it was almost a gratuitous part.
The main character, Mark Ruffalo, was the same as always playing a gruff detective who isn’t all he seems and turns out a little creepy in the end, which was quite blah – give him his own TV show already! And the extra romance provided by the detective and Interpol agent also lacked any chemistry. The dialogue between them was brief, shallow and repetitive and could easily be summarised in two words from her ‘have faith’. It was well acted on her part but the actions of her character were purposely supposed to be ambiguous yet it wasn’t well written and came off as her just being odd.
It was predictable, some things seemed in there for the sake of it with no real relevance (the Tarot cards) and it was quite long. The scenes seemed to jar against one another and I felt like there was no real flow or natural ease to it. There were so many holes in the story that swiss cheese would be jealous! Basically, it was an extended episode of Hustle but not as good.
I am not a magic fan but feel that the story never connected with the audience and none of the characters did either it just didn’t work. There was some odd camera action during a chase (I’m sure there is a technical name for it) where its like you are behind the camera but it was too much and I felt a bit disorientated by it, which would have worked had the film been better than it was and the audience (i.e. me!) had been invested in the story.
I don’t know if this was ever a novel first that a screenplay was then written from or if it was a straight to screenplay film but to could have been so much more. It came terribly close to trying too hard.
IMDb has given it 7.5/10 and Rotten Tomatoes 49%...I have to say I agree with Rotten Tomatoes. I give it a 2.5/5 and recommend seeing it on DVD or eventually TV.
5 Jun 2013
To the death
The darkness was filled with fear
unknown quantities there
lurking in wait for her
the thrill of delivering the scare.
He stepped out grimacing
used his eyes to express
desire and obsession
tearing off her flimsy dress.
She stood tall unbending fierce
in the face of danger
yet it was in contrast
to her fear of the stranger.
A lurch forward arms outstretched
to grab a hold of her
a braver woman would have screamed
she froze made not a murmur
The strength in his fingers felt
so tight around her neck
closing shut her airways
he was much more than a threat.
Unexpectedly she fought
refusing to give in
fighting for her young life
that was still yet to begin.
He saw the defiance flare
up and challenge him back
releasing his neck hold
he gave her an almighty smack.
She fell back against the wall
tearing skin from her hand
all bloodied and lashed out
at the murderous man.
Others had fought till their death
this girl had stamina
his power was greater
he would triumph a winner.
Striking out gasping for air
she didn’t want to die
he didn’t know her strength
and he couldn’t win this fight.
It carried on for quite a
while as each battled on
neither willing to stop
both determined to win.
She was scared that all of her
energy was gone and
realised the end was
near as she struggled to still stand
He was dying and he knew
that five more minutes would
see him take his last breath
and lay down where he once stood.
On the stroke of midnight they
both gave up their long fight
falling to the ground where
each other were their last sight.
4 Jun 2013
Inspiration strikes
Good Afternoon,
For you.
For you.
Inspiration Strikes
Drifting into view unannounced and all consuming
Swirling around amongst the debris of each day
Bending with the will of the igniters direction
Spiralling away from its beginnings until its almost a haze
Circling back to meet the crest of bigger ideas, to be twisted and turned and toasted
Rolling away as the uninspired are discarded
Winding their roots to the base and clinging with hope to stay
Swinging back up to meet those who first made claim and then
Curving away to corners of a square mind to forcibly bring calm
A still flat ripple free calm that’s full of anticipation as beneath its surface it lies barely dormant
Waiting for the moment for life to spring
Back into old ideas and into new as the cycle begins.
Did you see that tumbleweed?
Its oh so quiet on this blog at the moment...
Firstly, I went away for our annual family hoilday, I managed to take about 12 photos over the five days. Not that many, oops!
Then I moved and now I am trying to resolve phone and broadband issues I am having, I thought I would stop by myself and its like a ghost town!
I hope you will all be back when I am :D
I want to know about your summer plans!
Bye for now x
Its oh so quiet on this blog at the moment...
Firstly, I went away for our annual family hoilday, I managed to take about 12 photos over the five days. Not that many, oops!
Then I moved and now I am trying to resolve phone and broadband issues I am having, I thought I would stop by myself and its like a ghost town!
I hope you will all be back when I am :D
I want to know about your summer plans!
Bye for now x
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Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)
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