Good Morning! (maybe) Its been a while since we had an update...
Writing: NaNoWriMo
I started participating in National Novel Writing Month on 1st November. It means that I have to write 1666 words a day for the next 30 days (unedited) in the hope of having a 50,000 word draft novel.
I told myself that I would not go out for the month. I would stay in and write and craft (I am so behind on that I must be on a death wish list somewhere) and become a recluse (I'm not far off that already!). But good intentions as they are prone to be are just that good intentions and...
Day 1: I won some tickets via Twitter to see We Are Scientists play an acoustic set in London. It was for the very same day...should I give the tickets away or should I go...whats a girl to do? ANS: Go of course! It was on the far side of London so took 2 hours there and 2 hours back and so I never had time to write. I also managed to win a signed T-shirt whilst I was there! It was a lucky day for me.
Day 2: I finish half an hour earlier in a Friday and decided to get home as soon as possible and get straight to work. I can't remember if that is what actually happened or not but I did write! I managed 2359 words which was below my target (remember I needed to do 2 days worth).
Day 3: Aah! Saturday... again I did not write! I don't know why and I have absolutely no excuse whatsoever!
Day 4: I woke up and decided to read through my entire Twitter feed and saw that some writer buddies (who live elsewhere and thus are awake when I'm asleep and vice versa) had been playing #wordwar with each other. These are sometimes called writing sprints and the idea is that for a set amount of time, you write and then report back with a word count, and then you go again a short while later. In theory, it might be difficult to understand how this would work, but it really does work! I decided to start off having a #wordwar with someone who was sleeping and that got me off to a good start, then someone else in the UK said they were writing and for the next couple of hours we had 15 minute sprints. It was great, not only did I write an additional 5400 words but I also discovered things about my characters and the story that I hadn't even considered. So, I went to bed very happy and all caught up and am looking forward to seeing how the story develops tonight.
I also was encouraged to write about some of my adventures. I might do this on Tuesdays/Thursday requires some thought...:D
Writing: Music Reviews
The love/hate relationship that I have with music reviews continues. I love doing them when I am doing them, I hate having to wait ages for question answers (I know people are busy having lives, lol!) and I hate that I can't just write them and spit them out regularly. I have to be into the band and excited by their music at the time of writing or else it doesn't work, I become stuck and I lose interest. I also hate that I can't keep them short or use long convoluted words, but I love that too as I only write the good stuff. Some EP's/Albums may have aspects that I don't like, but I am not going to write about that, I am just letting you know whats good about it! I don't know that I will be writing any this month, unless I am totally swept off my feet...I am currently listening to Andy Burrows album Company (and I am liking it a lot), so maybe you will get a review minus the interview.
Writing: Flash Fiction
I am not sure that I am going to have time to write any flash fiction this month. I can't promise that I wont, I feel like I have a poem in me today, and I will still check prompts in case something grabs me by the jugular and shakes me until I concede.
I have a lot of stitching to occupy my time this month! So I am thinking I should ban myself from Twitter for the month. I don't tend to tweet anything of much interest..although I had some fun last week when I my tweets were rhyming! I think only a couple of people would notice but I know it would be extremely hard to stop cold turkey and everything...its an idea....maybe...eek!
And that was more about this months plans than a recap on October...have a great November! Still visit me :D I will post...I can't stop writing now can I? Not after I spent yesterday perfecting my writer image at home. I stayed in my dressing gown for most of the day and I had the urge for a drink at 11am! I had one too! lol! I actually had two in the end and felt like a total lush.
If you have any writing requests/music review suggestions or comments please comment! Let me know you're breathing as I think the undead stop by on occasion.
Kate x
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