17 Apr 2012

O is for...

Why this job?

I am not obsessed with dead people, I don’t see ghosts or anything (well, only the once), but for as long as I can remember I have always read the obituaries in the local newspaper and occasionally in the broadsheets.  I don’t know that I know where this fascination has stemmed from. But I am interested in both the short ones – I tend to compare the ages of people dying  - and also the lengthy ones on the broadsheets that tell you everything and their inside leg measurement. 

Why I would be good at this job.

I love to find out about people, their stories, where they are from, how they came to be the person that they are.
More research! Which if you are visiting for the first time, this is something I rather enjoy :)
I am succint, and like to keep everything short and to the point....you don't believe me? I'm shocked. Work-wise I like to be as succint as possible to avoid confusion among my babbling. Its more professional ;)

Why I wouldn't be good at this job.

It could be quite depressing.
I would want to write more than just a few lines, I might value aspects of the persons life that the newspaper editor might think is unnecessary. For example; His favourite colour was red! and he was born in October too - he must have been amazing and Oh my word, he liked mash potato with salad cream!.

I can imagine that it is quite a sad job, something that you could only do in stints of a month or so, I wonder if they work in rotations? It would need to be interspersed with good news, right? Have you ever had to write an obituary? How hard was it? Would you do it again?

please note:
 I am currently AWOL exploring a little city in the small country referred to as North America. New York beware! I will be back to catch up on April 18th.


  1. A good and unusual O word though I wouldn't like the job.


  2. I don't think I would be good at this job. When my great-grandad passed one of his sons actually wrote the obituary. He did a really nice job with it.

  3. Pretty sure this would not be the job for me. I hardly ever read the obituaries, but the few times I have I'm always left with this morbid curiosity..........Obituaries never tell HOW a person died. Was it old age? Natural causes? Did they slip on a banana peel? And when the person is really young then I REALLY wonder!
    NEI....Not enough information.

  4. I think obits are interesting for a number of reasons. And it's a great place to cull info for building interesting characters for my novels. I think obits are anything but sad. True, the person is gone, but an obit is a celebration of their life and accomplishments.

    Very interesting O word!

    I'm a new follower via the A to Z. Nice to meet you, Kate! You have a fascinating history!!

  5. yes i have had to write one- it is huge responsibility --not one i would like to do again

  6. It always drives me nuts that they list all the person's cousins, but never tell why they died! We want the deets!

  7. mmm wouldn'T be good at this job. But from time to time I read orbituaries too. Not that I am looking for someone I know, not that I see ghost. It's just interesting to read.. weird probably.

  8. Oh, my dear! I love to read biographies but ... obituaries?

  9. I don't think it would be a job that I would like, though we do have to celebrate our lives more! Amanda

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  10. Hi - thanks for commenting.

    Jenn3128: i dont know how I would feel about it if I actually knew the person...its i definitely a tough job.

    Lynn: I can imagine it is and I wouldnt think I could do it for someone I knew.



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