2 Mar 2013

Girls Best Friend: Part 9

Millie looked in her purse and realised her pastry addiction was slowly but surely eating away at her funds and then she stood up, marched to the nearest police officer, burst into tears and confessed all. She was returned to the UK and her flat and her life and never saw her boss, Elvis or Denise and Mark again! The End.

What?! What?! You didn't like my ending? Haha.....ok, well its a good job that I'm just kidding! Just checking to see if you are paying attention :D, lets continue shall we? Where did we end up last time...oh yes...

The news was in French but she distinctly heard them mention her name. She looked around the bar to see if anyone had noticed it was her but they all seemed far more interested in their pastries. Looking back at the screen she saw St Pancras and her bag that she left behind, and realised that it was her they were talking about on the radio, and then she saw her scrawled handwriting of her list of lottery numbers and baulked. She was going to need another pastry…STAT!

Millie looked in her purse and realised her pastry addiction was slowly but surely eating away at her funds and made the heart wrenching decision that this pain au chocolat would be the last one...the very last one. She really didn't have any idea what she was going to do. Whilst chomping her way through more pastries than she had ever eaten in total in her life, she had been reflecting on the past week and trying to remember the hotel that she had reserved for tonight. She was pretty sure it was called Hotel something but had no clue what the something was. As she sat at the table staring off to space she was startled out of her daydream,
'Hi...Millie? Millie Banloach? Well, I didn't imagine I would see you again so soon.'

Millie slowly turned to look to see who was speaking, still feeling forlorn and woe is me, she looked up to see a man standing over her. He looked familiar but Millie couldn't quite place from where.
'Its me! Justin..Justin Held...we met at St Pancras..' Millie was pretty sure she was in a partial sugar coma from the pastries and as she watched him speak she wondered if he wasn't just a mirage. He held out his hand and she took it and continued to stare at him.
'Erm...Millie?...this is quite awkward, is it possible for me to have my hand back? Millie...MILLIE!'
'Huh?! What? Hey/' the sound of Justin shouting Millie in a packed bar in a Paris train station bought Millie out of her stupor, sadly she was too late to prevent any drool from dribbling out of the corner of her mouth, as Millie tried to surreptitiously wipe it away with her sleeve. She hoped he hadn't notice but when she finally looked at him, he had an eyebrow raised as if to ask, 'What are you doing?' Millie pretended like it hadn't happened and she hadn't been caught by changing the subject.
'So' she said, plastering her best and broadest smile across her face, 'how are you enjoying Paris?'
This was followed by an uncomfortable pause and then Justin said, 'I've been here an hour longer than you...I cant say I have done too much...its ok though...I see you've been enjoying yourself since we last met and he nodded his head towards the TV.' 'Mistaken identity' she almost shouted out but instead it was just and emphatic statement and some spittle spray. Justin wiped his face and frowned at her again, 'Where are you staying?' he asked.
'...erm...here...well...in Paris...France...you know...about...' and she looked at him and saw some concern in his eyes.'Oh Ill be ok, really, I'll just...you know go to the lost and found and report my stolen bag and then you know..' Justin cut her off.
'Millie, you are a fugitive, you are wanted for terrorism, theft & conspiracy, you need to buck your ideas up girl, you re on the run!'
Millies mouth fell open, 'you cant mean that? you re joking surely?'
'Sadly I'm not and don't call me Shirley...although that was a joke...the last bit, anyway' he seemed flustered now that he had all of Millies attention, 'I can just go to the police and explain the whole situation, they'll understand, laugh a bit maybe...don't things like this happen all the time?' she saaid.
'No, no Millie they really don't...but you are in luck because I have some experience of being investigated and I know how to keep a low profile. Come with me and I'll make sure you re ok.' and Justin took her hand and pulled her up and smiled.
'Wow' she thought, that smile was just so hypnotic and he had a point and she really didn't want to be alone until she had a plan.
'Ok, Justin, I'll go with you' she said relieved that now she wouldn't have to worry alone, 'Have I got time to just go to the loo?' she asked. She had an unreliable bladder, whenever she was near a toilet it was empty and whenever the furthest point from one, full to the brim. If she had hours to kill she never needed it until the last 30 seconds of time she had and this situation was no different.
'Be quick...we need to get out of here before someone recognises you!' he said.

If you want some behind the scenes insights then follow me @marjiemyers on Twitter (or my facebook page - see sidebar) and find out what happens to Millie inbetween scenes! You may even get to help her make big choices on her adventure.


  1. You never disappoint Kate...as good as ever! I particularly like your interactive approach via Facebook....it's great to have that 'behind the scenes' option...good plan!. I get so involved with Millie that when she stuffs herself with pastries...I'm sure I'm putting the weight on!!...As always I look forward to next time...*whispers*...DON'T BE LATE WITH IT!!...ooops...;)

    1. Haha! Thanks Lynn :) slightly uneventful but I have a feeling there may be a bonus post!

  2. Very good entry in the 'wat the 'ell will Millie get into this week' journal, and a funny one as well. I laughed out loud a couple of times. Always a good indication that I like something. And I like the interactive addition. Loving it Katy!


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