4 Apr 2012

D is for...

Why a Dancer?

Each different type of dance has its own personality that you take on when you do it and I would love to be able to physically express my thoughts through dance.
It’s romantic.
It’s the ‘funnest’ exercise there is.
Dancers are graceful.
Dancers have coordination and rhythm.

Why I would be good at this job.

In the words of Sarah Jessica Parker in the classic movie ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’…I LOVE TO DANCE.

I am happy to try any dance form.
I love music.

Why I wouldn’t be good at this job.

Do you watch GLEE? You don’t need to confess here if you do, but anybody who does will have at some point seen Cory Monteith aka Finn dance. He is always slightyly ridiculed for his lack of rhythm and dance ability, true he isn’t Mike Chan (I mean WOW, he can dance!) but he is one tall man, that’s a lot of limb to coordinate, right? Well, his dancing is the level to which I aspire to be.
I have no rhythm.
I am not coordinated.
I can’t dance…But…oh! how I wish I could.

Are you a dancer? really? Wow - you ARE amazing. Do you think that anyone can learn to dance? Is rhythm something you have or you don't? Am I going to have an eternally blank dance card? **sigh** Its all just too romantic.

**EDIT: I have just remembered a previously blocked out memory of when I used to attend tea dances with my grandmother, I had the great pleasure of dancing the foxtrot, quickstep and waltz with people who lived through the war!**


  1. I chose D is for Dance too. I'm thinking we would make a good duo. like you I am keen but "untrained" which could be re written as Uncoordinated :)


  2. I love to dance and yes I do dance. I've even been known to dance around the house with my broom or a cat or a dog or... well you get the picture. Yes, I do have a natural sense of rhythm. Tell you a secret: when I'm feeling down I'll put on Gloria Estefan Conga or Rhythm is Gonna Get you. While I was really sick the past year, I couldn't do much but the music just lifted the mood.


  3. Hi,

    John: lol! Great idea - maybe we could start a new dance craze and make out our "untrained" moves are carefully choreographed and represent the erratic nature of life?

    Sia: I do love to dance, even though I am not great, even Just Dance on the wii groans when I switch it on, but it doesn't stop me. I haven't heard Rhythm is gonna get you for sooo long (puts on rhythm is gonna get you)and now I am jigging at my desk, thanks :)and keep on dancing.


  4. Dance seems to be a popular word for D yet all have written something completely different.
    Enjoyed the read.


  5. I won't be choosing dance for D - I am an awful dancer! And I can't even profess to make up for it in enthusiasm, but I love people who can just throw it all to the wind and dance regardless!

  6. neither... doctors? i am here to dance for you! nice post.

    Dig it! ... to the challenge "D" is for Delight!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

  7. my blog was on dance also---sounds like just your love for dance alone would make you a great dancer!

  8. haha Kate, I love your post. And I LOVE Glee. Yeah, poor Finn :)

    Yes, I can dance. Not that my card would be full but at least one or two dance partners. :D It's all in the mind, I think. If one puts the will to do something, it usually does work out in the end.

  9. Dance is one of the things in my passionate things ....I am a great dancer too ...Great post :)

  10. I danced from the time I was three until I was eighteen. Loved every style. Alas, a ballerina bod I did not have. BTW - I'm a Gleek, and proud of it.

  11. Love to Dance... and so glad my daughter has now started.. :-)
    Great D word! Happy A-Z ing...

  12. Love to Dance... and so glad my daughter has now started.. :-)
    Great D word! Happy A-Z ing...

  13. LOL! I'm a terrible dancer too. Absolutely no sense of rhythm - but if Finn from Glee can do it, then why not?

  14. Something I could never, can never, and will never do - dance! Scariest occupation on the planet!!

  15. I am not dancer material! Looking forward to all the other career opportunities! I am returning your visit - I was the one withnthe postcards :) the project postcrossing can be found on www.postcrossing.com

  16. I used to do a ton of dancing - fell in with a group of ballroom dance performers/competitors who went salsa dancing almost every night for fun, so for several years I lived and breathed dance. I still think about it all the time. If it's something you want to do, do it!

  17. I like to dance, but I wouldn't call myself a great dancer. I've really enjoyed my zumba classes, where I can just let go and have some fun.

  18. Hi, I may have sent people comments who dont have an email address, oopsy! Sorry about that, I have not been able to find them in my sent box either! Which is a shame because you may have been bowled over with all that wit and charm I have in abundance...ahem.

    Thanks for commenting and I will try and remember noreply means noreply! doh!

  19. Like your definition said; A Dance is someone who dances. Plain and simple. Anyone can do it. Though I personally believe a little shiny lip gloss and a full length mirror inspires more rythmn


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