5 Apr 2012

E is for...

Why an Event Planner?

I love parties; admittedly this love only stretches as far as planning them, or attending close friends or family members’ parties. But its not just birthday parties I mean, its proper large gatherings, weddings, and christenings, special birthdays and Halloween. But I love to plan them, from the location to the food to the entertainment, table decorations, invitations and dress code. 

Why I would be good at this job.

I am a list person, I write lists, I think of everything imaginable and it goes on the list, I refer to the list regularly and I tick things off the list. I also have sub lists but that’s a whole other post! I am organised, particular, a people person, imaginative at times, slightly bossy (in a good way, sort of a lets get this show on the road kind of way) and like to make people happy. I love loud music and disco lights. Disco balls are even better, all that glitter. And if you stopped by yesterday you would know that I like to boogie, boogie.

Why I wouldn’t be good at this job.

Lots of these events are in the night time and as mentioned previously I am much more of a morning person.  Due to all my lists, I tend to have everything in hand but I don’t handle panickers very well. I love themed parties and anything cheesy or cliche or OTT or... I wouldn't make much money as I would happily do it for free.

If you had to plan one party/event what would you have as your theme? Or would you chose something like Christmas or Halloween? Have you ever organised a large event and how did it go? Have you ever hired a wedding planner or party planner?

I have a good friend who I met here in the blogoverse who absolutely HATES parties, she's an Asper-girl who is taking part in the A to Z too (under my advisement - i'm like yoda!). Its her first timeand she has had issues with blogger and comments were disabled :( Please if you can stop by her blog and say Hi. She's a great girl who pulls no punches and her theme for the challenge is Disney! What's not to love? Click here


  1. A good post for letter E. I'd be lost without an event planner.


  2. Never had a big enough event to use one, half of me loves the thought of someone taking it out of my hands and making it wonderful - the control freak part hates it! I suppose time will tell!

  3. Oh my gosh... your "Edward" choice made me laugh... I am still laughing. I think we can plan the winner's party. You have a great post.

    Excellent! ... to the challenge "E" is for Efficient!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

  4. i have been in charge of several weddings, not really the wedding planner--would love to do that-even tried to start a business doing weddings---my favorite is to direct a play---and hmmmm i think i may want to have a party with a 1940's theme-enjoyed your post and questions!

  5. You must be highly organized. I'd love to do something like this in theory but I don't think I'd like the problems etc.
    Great idea for the A to Z challenge

    Rhia from Five Minute Piece (about # 864 on A to Z list

  6. Happy to meet a fellow planner and list maker...organizer extrordinaire...
    I have lists of my lists.
    When we had "do's" at work I was usually at the helm. Lots of fun.
    Great A to Z post.

  7. I would be a horrible event planner! I dislike crowds and parties. And I'm terribly unorganized. That's so nice of you to mention your friend. I'll stop by her blog and say hi.

    Nice to meet you and I hope you're enjoying the Challenge!

    A to Z Challenge Host

  8. Hmm. I'm totally a list-maker, too, but I really don't enjoy party-planning. I think it's the pressure to ensure other people have a good time, even though my idea of a good time tends to involve complete silence and a good book. :)

  9. I'd be terrible at this, ha. And I've never used an event planner - but I've always wanted to! My parties tend to be thrown together at the last minute... I'd love to have someone come in and decorate and send out fancy invitations and really do it up right. :)

  10. I'm a list person, too! I think it definitely helps when event planning. So does being imaginative!

    Happy A-Z! Nice to meet you!

  11. ok, so i stupidly sent replies to people at noreply!! Seriously. Anyhoo, here are the replies that didnt get to their destination:

    Lynn Proctor: The 1940's would be very cool - I think that was the start of Hollywood Glamour, such class.

    I would love to organise a wedding, I really would but themed parties would also be so much fun, I don't know why but I am automatically assuming that people would just invite me to the party as well! How cheeky.

    A play again would be great as well, any characters that are little old ladies?, if so can I be in it? Need to get it on my CV for that elusive audition in 2052 :)

    Thanks for commenting and answering my questions.

    So much for keeping this short!

    iliadfan: I love total silence and a good book too - I guess its that small people-pleasing-everyone-needs-to-be-happy-all-at-once gene that my mother kindly gave me!

    thepinkrachael: Having organised my own wedding, I can say that it is more stressful on the day, and when you are on edge the last thing you want to have to worry about is the organising. I think that its makes it more stressful for you. If I was to get married again, I would definitely have someone else arrange it all - my control freak tendencies might be in choosing the organiser. I have expectations! lol

    Thank you!


  12. Fabulous theme for the a-z! Maybe your alphabet will give me some career ideas!

  13. In my opinion there aren't enough Event Planners! It takes so much of a load off the people throwing the party (especially weddings).

    Now I'm off to check out your friend! :)

  14. Me at a party! HA! Me plan a party...in a heartbeat! Just don't make me go, or if I do have to go, can I hide somewhere unseen? Better yet, the stress of me possibly having to be there would probably ruin my creative chi! Best not to go and just plan! Just talking about it is making me shaky!

    PS...xoxo for the link! My Blogger Bestie you are!

  15. I like planning events. I actually enjoy researching vendors, getting ideas for themes, and selecting the menu. I like to oversee all the details of an event that I'm hosting so that's probably why I like to do most of everything on my own.

  16. Wait... YOUR an event planner?! That would be the coolest job ever.


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