21 Apr 2012

S is for...

Why do I want to be a singer?

I want to be able to sing as opposed to being a recording artist. I used to work with someone and she was married to a musician and she always said she could sing. She was originally from Wales (and all welsh people can sing, right?) and so I believed her, when I asked why she didnt sing she replied that she enjoyed singing for herself. Once she let me listen to a recording she had made. All I can say is 'Wow!' she could really sing. her voice didnt sound anything like her speaking voice and I have since seen video of her singing and yes, that is definitely her voice.  At lot of people on these talent shows talk about how they love to sing and they want to share their gift with the world. She could sing and was happy to keep it to herself. Over time though she has begun singing more and more. I often wonder what changed. Was it a lack of confidence that made her not want to share her voice with others? But her personality would say otherwise.  I sing for myself, people tend to be genuinely relieved that I do. I always used to say that I was tone deaf and it is only now that I wonder if it was an excuse for being a bad singer. Surely it is more acceptable if there is not much I can do about it? So I would like to be able to sing, and yes maybe a little part of me would like to occasionally get up on stage or at small local festivals and surprise people with my talent. So...

Why would I be good at this job.

This is always the tough question, and the best reasons that I can come up with are; I really do love to sing, I love music, I would have no problem spending all my time doing this. How could I get bored?

Why I wouldn't be good at this job.

Main reason has to be the 'minor' detail that I cant sing or I cant sing well. I am not very good at remembering song words. Late nights! Yes, those late nights are really holding me back for about 50% of these careers. 

In the A post I asked if anyone thought that i could learn to act in 40 years (in order to be Miss Marple) an no-one had an answer for that, so I will ask the question again but of singing? Anyone? I once read a blog post about whether people thought that singing was a talent you were born with or it could be learnt, I cant remember what the outcome was, I vaguely recollect people leaned more to it being an innate ability...which was disappointing not only for me. I would always tell someone that if singing was something they wanted to do then they should, they can learn - I do have this warped idea that you can learn to do anything if you set your mind to it. Do you agree?

One of my all time favourite songs for so many reasons...

and the recorded version that blasts through my headphones as i walk to work.


  1. A good s post.
    I'm sure you would make a wonderful singer, everyone can sing to some extent. It's just some are better than others.

    Have a good week-end.

  2. A wonderful post, Kate.
    Love that song Nina Simone sang.:)Great voice.
    Yes, I think, with training one can learn to sing. Others seem to be born with that talent. I'd love to be a singer - now, training me to get over stage fright? thats another feat altogether. :D

  3. Nice post!

    I wanted to be a singer, but I became a college instructor instead. LOL

  4. i think for me, some of my favorite singers may not necessarily have the best voices, according to the experts--it's more for me the style and the emotion and or connection they have with their songs

  5. I think you're born with it - ya got it or ya don't. Lessons and practice certainly HELP a talented singer but if you haven't got those gosh-given chops, stick to singing in the shower.

  6. While singing abilities might come more naturally to some than others, I think this talent could also be cultivated through learning and confidence in oneself. If you want to sing, go for it!

  7. hah, I use to be a great singer; until I just stopped because life happens. Now my singing is cultivated through my teaching kids and yes, I love to sing to them!

  8. Hello there! Your newest follower.

    Re the singing, I can't really help, but re the acting, maybe. I'll take a look at your A post once the crazy dies down a little and I finish my personal quest to visit as many blogs as possible.

  9. I think anyone can learn anything...just maybe not well. :)
    I saw your comment on blogging from A to Z about followers so I'm a new one!

    A to Z of Immortals, Myths & Legends

  10. Hi, Kate. I would have to say that, like most artistic talents, I think singing is something you are either born with or you are not. Actually, I'm of the mind that we all have different talents. Sometimes I think we get envious of others' gifts, but instead of doing this we should learn to cultivate our own talents better and appreciate how we all contribute to the world in different ways. When we try to make ourselves an artist in something we aren't gifted in, we diminish the value of that talent. Find what you are good at, work at honing your craft, and be happy. Then go out and support others' and their talents.
    A thought-provoking post, I think, especially since one of the topics I write about is art!

  11. Great job, and great theme for the challenge! In fact, I considered doing something similar--until I couldn't come up with anything for a few of the letters!

    I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your posts.

    Ellie, who has 3 blogs in the challenge
    Ellie's Blank Book
    Ellie's Couch
    Help Michigan Pets

  12. Hi Kate! Stephen King said about writing that you can teach a not very good writer to be an fair writer, and a fair writer to be a good writer, and so on, but that you can't teach a very good writer to be a genius writer. (He said this much more eloquently than I did, mind you.) Perhaps this holds true of singing, too? In which case, provided you worked at it, I can't see any reason at all you couldn't hit the stage somewhere down the road, maybe not as a mega-voice, but as someone who can hold a tune, entertain an audience and enjoy herself. Why the heck not, I say.

    I like your challenge theme--will check back in to read more.

  13. I'm a new follower - I'm following Arlee's wishes and searching out people with less than 100 followers!

    I'm married to a singer - but I cannot sing. He points out when I hit a note - it doesn't happen often :-)

  14. Great choice for 'S' and an awesome choice in Nina Simone.

  15. Great choice for 'S' and an awesome choice in Nina Simone.

  16. Hi All,

    Dana:A college instructor! thats no small feat.

    Lynn: Definitely, the emotion in a song can be the difference between a song you love and not so much.

    Cynthia:Thanks Cynthia, I agree totally until someone tells me there is no hope and then I think, you may be right.

    Amanda: Good luck with your quest! I wish you well it is so hard.

    Eliza: 3 blogs in the challenge, are you crazy!! thanks for following :)

    Kern: Yay Kern, I like it - you have given me hope, an audience of five is good enough for me :D

    Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting :D

  17. I think some people are born with the ability to sing well, but I also think everyone can learn to sing better with some voice training.
    I sing all the time, especially when I'm driving.

  18. Good luck with your singing! I loved singing in high school and college and still belt it out in the shower! Don't give up on your singing even if it's only for your own enjoyment, and don't give up on reaching 100 followers! Julie

  19. I know people with trained voices and people with natural voices, and I think I prefer the natural! I personally think Madonna ruined her voice when she did Evita!

    Not all trained voices sound good and not all natural voices sound good either. But then again, I've heard people who sound like a dying cow and no amount of training can fix that!

    I have been told I can sing, but I've had no training. My sister, on the other hand, at one time, could sing Christine Daae's part in Phantom and hit all the notes perfectly! Bad thing about training, you have to keep it up to keep your voice.


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Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

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