23 Apr 2012

T is for...

I feel that I need to add a disclaimer from this point onwards, and that is that I am suffering from Blogging Burnout. Not from writing the posts, as most were done before the start, but keeping up with checking out new ones and commenting...so I am taking this opportunity to implore to you (those people who read this!) please, please, please recommend any great blogs or blog posts of note to me (see page 'Recommended Blogs' and I will  add to my recommends. I think its the best way to do it, I have tried to be fair and visited blogs directly after me, at the start and at the end and also those with interesting blog names, but I still have so many to get through. There are some people out there who haven't been getting the attention they deserve (check out those post 1500) and the best thing we can do is pool our resources. So lets get recommending! Now back to the blog writing...ooh! my head hurts!...

Why this job?

Do you remember Life Coaching? Well, I think this is similar. A therapist in terms of listening to people. I do like to listen, it may  be strange to those who only know me as a chatterbox but I do like to listen. I think everyone deserves to be heard and sometimes talking to a stranger is much more helpful than someone that you know. I don't know anyone who has ever been to a therapist. Its not commonplace here. I do often wonder how great it might be to waffle on to someone else and then I realise I am blogging and it helps.  But if I could help someone by simply being there, and listening and maybe with the odd prompt, that sounds like a great job to me.

Why I would be good at this.

I have a lot of friends from a variety of backgrounds and I think this helps me to relate to people on all levels. I have always been quite at ease and approachable. I am very patient and I am a good listener.

Why I wouldn't be good at this.

I always want to work out some kind of solution, and some people just want to talk they don't actually want solutions. I might not be patient if the person was talking about petty issues, or what I might deem petty. I feed off of peoples energy and so if they were very depressed or sad or angry it may reflect in my behaviour. I get the giggles at all the wrong moments.

I know there are some therapists out there. What key skills do you think that you have that make you good at your job? Are there other aspects of the role that aren't purely listening, that I may not have considered?

As a special, its my first day back to work after my break to NYC, how about some musical therapy...

Corinne Bailey Rae - Trouble Sleeping

She even mentions 'therapy'!

TLC- Unpretty

Monsters Calling Home - Fight to Keep (I stumbled unexpectedly into this band and they are pretty great,this is their latest song.)

The lead singer does a pretty cool cover of Damien Rice's Delicate too.

I could carry on, but what is your favourite music therapy, is there a band, song, piece that always helps?


  1. The Doors for music therapy. Break on Through will always get to me for some reason.

    Mostly I use books for insta-therapy. Georgette Heyer is always wonderful. Such an under-rated writer and so comforting.

  2. It can be overwhelming to go through so many blogs, and at the same time, one of the fun parts of this challenge is meeting new people. =)

    When I'm down, I listen to all sorts of songs--in fact, I participated in the Sad Songs Blogfest recently and posted some tunes here:

  3. As a therapist I can say that the hardest thing is letting people flounder about before they come up with their own solution. Much as we can support and offer strategies, we don't offer advice, so it gets frustrating when you just want to say 'leave the miserable bastard!' or 'if it makes you so unhappy, stop doing it!'. Bu talking to someone who doesn't know you, and whose opinion you don't care about and in confidence, it's very effective.

    My own therapy is also reading familiar books, including the Georgette Heyers - classical music - and musicals.

  4. I am NOT a fan of therapists, so please don't become one!

    But as far as musical therapy, Duran Duran's Serious is the song that I can play continuously for hours at a time...it calms me when I'm in a tear!

    Honorable mention to Shine by Take That! Mark always can calm me!

  5. I can understand how you feel about keeping up commenting, I had my post done way back in January but keeping up wiyh the comment is another matter,

    Enjoyed your post though I don't go in for thearapist I find my writing helps me a great deal.


  6. I can understand how you feel about keeping up commenting, I had my post done way back in January but keeping up wiyh the comment is another matter,

    Enjoyed your post though I don't go in for thearapist I find my writing helps me a great deal.



I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Spill the beans...

Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

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