30 Mar 2016

Day 30 March Madness


Well today's stitch was a WIP, yes it is a lady, this time Spanish! 

Here is what she will look like finished...

Here is where I started ...

And a gold star to anyone who can see where I put the stitches????!!!! I did.


  1. Some brown at the top, over her head?

    1. Aye! That would be correct :) Gold star! 🌟

  2. Oh good, that was my guess too, but I couldn't tell if the before pic was folded there or if there were stitches. Glad you got a few in! Almost done the challenge.

  3. She is going to be striking.


I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Spill the beans...

Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

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