18 Apr 2012

P is for...

Evening!! I hope you didn't think I had forgotten :o, but from today I will be writing "live" posts! And yes, I am back in the UK.

Why this job?

Thinking of a career that began with the letter 'P' was quite difficult for me. There are so many great P careers. Whilst I was away, I had it in my mind that although I had decided on all the careers for each letter, I had not yet written the letters P to Z. I thought about trying to quickly write it on the flight back but I couldn't remember which career I had gone with. I was stuck..it could have been Psychiatrist  or maybe even Paediatrician. I convinced myself that it wasn't those two. I should say that psychology of course fascinates me - how the mind works, why we are how we are, but as a child from the ages of about 8 until 19, I wanted to be a Paediatrician. But I knew I hadn't chosen these and the only other career I could think of was Puppeteer!! There was a brief spell when I toyed with the idea of the glamorous life of a ventriloquist, so its not such a big jump. So a moment ago when I opened the post to see what I had chosen..I sighed when I saw the career above. A big sigh or maybe a gentle moan, one that is only reserved for those moments when we are reminded of our long lost loves..yes, pottery was something I used to love. Its something that I have wanted to do again but haven't since school. I use the word 'potter' quite loosely because I am not too bothered with throwing pots but more with creating ceramic relief's and sculptures.

Why I would be good at this job.

This is actually quite difficult to define, I think the creative industry is so subjective and particularly when it comes to works of Art or Crafts that there is no write or wrong. That just creating something can be a very personal experience for the artist. I don't pretend to be an artist but I do like to do creative pursuits.I think that some reasons why I might be suited to this job are;
I spent an immeasurable amount of time as a child playing in the mud making mud pies and such,
I like to get messy,
I like to work on my own when making things,
I like to work with my hands,
Its something that I really do enjoy doing a great deal.

Why I would not be good at this job.

I am very much a lets just wing it kind of girl and I am sure that there is an element of planning in the creative process, I remember at school that I used to hate that aspect of art and design, I never wanted to sketch it first I just wanted to jump right in.
I do love to get messy and to make a mess but I hate tidying up so avoidance tends to be my solution.
I get stuck when it comes to deciding what it is exactly I am going to make, I always seem to need a reason to make something as opposed to just making anything. 

Do you want to start an old hobby again? Have you ever been to an adult art class? Is there one painting or piece that you feel a connection with? I have always loved Van Gogh 'The Irises'.



  1. I tried pottery at school but was not really cut out for that.

    A great P word and post, a pleasure to visit and read.


  2. I'm with Yvonne - pottery was fine for the occasional art class at school, but it's not my thing. I did love to draw, though.

    How was New York?!

  3. as you have asked iliadfan...New York was...hmm...everything and nothing, full of highs and lows, different but the same...I need to write a review but I am worried that it will be quite long. I will add a new page I think dedicated to it. I know that probably hasnt answered your question but..I would go back again! :)

  4. I've never tried to make anything out of clay, but feel quite certain that I would leave it as a lump and call it a rock.

    I'm much more of a paint by numbers gal or in the case today, crocheting from a pattern!

  5. JENN3128!!!

    I have been trying to teach myself to crochet for EVER!! I even met a woman on the Metro crocheting a beautiful dress for her granddaughter, sigh.

    Anyway, what's wrong with a rock? I think you probably meant..door stop?!

  6. I started in the university with a major in Psychology hoping to go into that field, but took a turn after the first year of study. I've never taken an adult art class, but I certainly enjoy the arts. There's no one particular piece of artwork that I identify with but I like the genres of impressionism and surrealism a great deal.

    Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  7. Well, you know my art history, so I'm all done with it, but I always wanted to learn sculpt, but never got around to it!

    As far as leaving and returning to old hobbies...that would be cross stitch! I can stitch forever but then I won't touch it forever!

    I'm an impressionist by nature, but tend to lean more toward Monet (and not because Richard Armitage played him in that movie!), but my favorite piece of artwork is an etching my Albrecht Durer called Melencolia I - simply because it epitomizes me!

  8. Monet is my favorite painter. His world looks like my world when I don't wear my glasses. :)
    I'm a quilter, having learned about 5 years ago. I love making art that keeps people warm.
    Follow & A to Z http://whenkateblogs.blogspot.com/


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