23 Apr 2012

Tits Up!! and bonus post.

Ok, T is for Tits Up! Because that is what happened to my K blog when scheduling messed up and deleted it. Well, I mentioned to a friend to read the K post and it ended up being waffle instead, so as a bonus here it is in all its...ahem...glory! Don't worry, I kept it short.

K is for ...

Why this job?

I don’t know what made me choose Kickboxer, yes there aren’t that many other careers beginning with K but what about something less aggressive like Kindergarten teacher? Maybe there are a few kindergarten teachers who might disagree with me on that one, But I think my interest in the sport stems from a juvenile infatuation with the film Bloodsport! Yes, that great classic starring the Oscar winning actor Jean-claude Van Damme. What?! He didn’t win an Oscar for that!!! There is no justice. I don’t know what sold it for me, whether it was the blood, the near death, the  hairy biker bloke or those splits he did but that film was (for a while) my go to movie. I used to dream of winning an underground kickboxing tournament.

Why I would be good at this job.

I never give up even when I am beaten.
I have a high pain threshold.
I like hot weather.
I like hairy bikers! lol

Why I wouldn’t be good at this job.

I can’t kickbox.
I can’t do the splits.
I never wear sleeveless tops.

I think its quite obvious that this is going to be one of those dreams that remains a dream unaccomplished. But maybe I could join a class? Is anyone a martial arts expert? What key characteristics would I really need to do this? 

p.s don't forget to check out the letter 'T' post, just use the menu in the left hand side or go back to older post. Thank you!

p.p.s When I said Left hand side...I meant the other left, doh! right hand side.


  1. Oh, I used to love Jean-Claude! He was like the master of kick-boxing all muscular and intense..LOL You should have seen me imitating him..:D
    Oh, I'm not sure I'd be a kick-boxer either. Too lazy to work out I guess.

  2. Pleased you eventually got your K post on. Grfeat read.


  3. Funny post. I would never be a good kick boxer for all the reasons you said you would and wouldn't be.

    Happy A to Z-ing!

  4. Of all the exercise programs I have done in the past, Tae Bo has been the best one for me and there is a lot of kicking and punching in that, so I think I'd be good at kick-boxing!


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Challenge 39: Watch 50 stand up shows (DVD or LIVE)

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